How did you get along?
Unfortunately It looks like I've not been so lucky this time
The CPU unlocks and POSTS fine as a Phenom FX5000 Quad Core, goes into windows fine but when I run prime for 10 - 15mins the PC just turns off without warning, tested as a dual and its fine, used my other OC settings and its seems to be running as a dual core @ 3.1GHz without problems, just running prime at the moment.
gamesaregood what volts did you use for the fsb?
mine craps out at 2.8ghz
1.35v, these CPUs do not need a lot of volts for overclocking at the speeds we are trying to do with this chip, post up some CPUz screenshots and I will see if I can spot whats causing the issue for you.
when you unlock the disabled cores, they run at slower frequencies than the normal cores.
This is of course all incorrect, and it is indeed not a safe guarantee when you unlock the disabled cores. The reason for this is that the disabled cores are turned off for a reason: they failed factory tests. Cores can fail for any number of reasons, including defects in the silicon, problems running at full frequency, or a bug introduced during manufacturing.
When you unlock the disabled cores, they will run at full processor frequency, since you cannot run each core at different speeds. While you may see initial gains and benefits from turning a dual-core CPU into a quad-core CPU, you may introduce instability into your system. Things may corrupt, calculate incorrectly or even crash.
just a copy and paste job (is it worth the risk)
This is rubbish, its true that some are failed CPUs and its quite possible that some might fail for pointless things like a watt or two above what they should be but on the other side some are perfect CPUs which are locked because of supply and demand.
Can you post the link if its within the rules?