Chances of UKIP winning General Election?

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14 Dec 2011
I find it strange that someone who appears so left wing when it comes to the Workfare scheme can have such strong right-wing views on homosexuality.

He/she is one of those nutty Nazis who thinks because hitler had socialist in his party name and the bnp espouse anti rich as well as anti immigrant policies that you can be left and a hate filled bitter racist homophobic idiot on a workfare program, I hate all workfare programs.
15 Sep 2010
I'll ignore your disgusting homophobic terminology (I leave that for the mods to judge) but are you making the pathetic argument that anyone who cares about gay rights must be homosexual themselves?

If you must know I am not homosexual, but I do have gay people in my circle of friends. I have been out with them on nights out and witnessed the abuse thrown at them by chavs driving past in their cars and seen the photos of one of their boyfriends after he was beaten up in a club for being gay.

So excuse me for feeling strongly about it.

I find it strange that someone who appears so left wing when it comes to the Workfare scheme can have such strong right-wing views on homosexuality. May I suggest you actually meet some gay people and spend some time with them, it will open your mind and may just give you the attitude adjustment you clearly need.

Well the only thing I find disgustingly vile is homosexual behaviour. I have not accused you of being gay, actually you never crossed my mind but I do wonder at those who go out their way to defend them, maybe you have feelings you're not really aware of.

Are you saying I condone physical violence against gay people? I'd rather go the therapy route for those who feel uncomfortable about their homosexual activities, I don't abuse gay people, I just feel what they do is wrong, not normal and unnatural and I wont be intimidated or bullied by people like you into silence. I'm sorry you don't like my views but that isn't my problem.

May I suggest you don't tell people who they should or shouldn't meet and stop acting like you've been personally attacked, if you want to defend homosexuality then fine, I think your attitude to those who oppose homosexual behaviour clearly needs the attitude adjustment.

And by the way I would defend a gay person if I saw them being physically attacked, I don't condone what happened to your friends but I remain opposed to homosexuality.
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15 Sep 2010
He/she is one of those nutty Nazis who thinks because hitler had socialist in his party name and the bnp espouse anti rich as well as anti immigrant policies that you can be left and a hate filled bitter racist homophobic idiot on a workfare program, I hate all workfare programs.

Now now, temper.
29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
In Ancient Greece, where even today we still take many of our ethics and morality from, love between two men was considered the most profound, moral and highest form of affection there could be.

Not true. Firstly, where is your evidence that 'love between two men was considered the most profound, moral and highest form of affection there could be'?

Secondly, you cannot equate Greek homosexual behaviour with the modern Western concept of homosexuality. The Greeks simply didn't think about these things in the same way we do:

In his classic study Greek Homosexuality, Kenneth Dover points out that the English nouns "a homosexual" and "a heterosexual" have no equivalent in the ancient Greek language.

There was no concept in ancient Greece equivalent to the modern conception of "sexual preference"; it was assumed that a person would have both hetero- and homosexual responses at different times.


Thirdly, the preferred and most common same-sex relationship in ancient Greece was not homosexual love between two men but sexual activity between a grown man and a young boy, in which the man was completely dominant:

The most widespread and socially significant form of same-sex sexual relations in ancient Greece was between adult men and pubescent or adolescent boys, known as pederasty (marriages in Ancient Greece between men and women were also age structured, with men in their 30s commonly taking wives in their early teens).


Homosexual relationships between grown men were rare and somewhat controversial, since the passive partner was considered to be feminised and degraded:

Given the importance in Greek society of cultivating the masculinity of the adult male and the perceived feminizing effect of being the passive partner, relations between adult men of comparable social status were considered highly problematic, and usually associated with social stigma.

This stigma, however, was reserved for only the passive partner in the relationship.

According to contemporary opinion, Greek males who engaged in passive homosexuality after reaching the age of manhood - at which point they were the expected to take the reverse role in pederastic relationships and become the active and dominant member - thereby were feminized or "made a woman" of themselves.

There is ample evidence in the theater of Aristophanes that derides these passive homosexuals and gives a glimpse of the type of biting social opprobrium and shame ("atimia") heaped upon them by their society.


It was the introduction of the Abrahamic religions that changed this.

Not true. Judaism—the first of the Abrahamic religions—is older than Greek civilisation. Even the Greeks acknowledged this.
8 Mar 2007
Well the only thing I find disgustingly vile is homosexual behaviour. I have not accused you of being gay, actually you never crossed my mind but I do wonder at those who go out their way to defend them, maybe you have feelings you're not really aware of.

Funny because it's usually the people who openly espouse how much they dislike homosexuality that have the most to hide.

He doth protest too much and all that.

You are free to find the idea of gay sex vile, it is not something I would wish to partake in but I couldn't care less what two consenting adults do in private. You are also falling for the misconception that being gay is all about sexual activity, it isn't. It is about love and contrary to popular belief a high percentage of gay men don't engage or even like anal sex.

I equally find the idea of me having sex with an 80 year old granny or a midget unappetizing but I would dream of telling anyone that does they are vile and unnatural.

Are you saying I condone physical violence against gay people?

No, brush up on your comprehension skills.

I'd rather go the therapy route for those who feel uncomfortable about their homosexual activities

Fixed for you.

I don't abuse gay people, I just feel what they do is wrong, not normal and unnatural

Probably the most contradictory statement I've ever seen on these boards.

and I wont be intimidated or bullied by people like you into silence.

Yet you wish to intimidate gay people by calling them unnatural, wrong and abnormal and you want to bully them into being straight by suggesting they need therapy. You really are a piece of work.
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8 Mar 2007

Attacking individual elements of my post doesn't detract from the overall point I was making which is that the existence homophobia, in terms of history of our species, is but a speck.

It is certainly not that case than man is naturally homophobic (as the post I was answering stated) and it is only modern left-wing elitists trying to suppress this natural aversion.
15 Sep 2010
Funny because it's usually the people who openly espouse how much they dislike homosexuality the most that have the most to hide.

He doth protest too much and all that.

You are free to find the idea of gay sex vile, it is not something I would wish to partake in but I couldn't care less what two consenting adults do in private.

I equally find the idea of me having sex with an 80 year old granny or a midget unappetizing but I would dream of telling anyone that does they are vile and unnatural.

No, brush up on your comprehension skills.

Fixed for you.

Probably the most contradictory statement I've ever seen on these boards.

Yet you wish to intimidate gay people by calling them unnatural, wrong and abnormal and you want to bully them into being straight by suggesting they need therapy. You really are a piece of work.

I honestly really couldn't give a damn what you think, I'll say it as it is.
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
Well the only thing I find disgustingly vile is homosexual behaviour. I have not accused you of being gay, actually you never crossed my mind but I do wonder at those who go out their way to defend them, maybe you have feelings you're not really aware of.

Are you saying I condone physical violence against gay people? I'd rather go the therapy route for those who feel uncomfortable about their homosexual activities, I don't abuse gay people, I just feel what they do is wrong,
not normal and unnatural and I wont be intimidated or bullied by people like you into silence. I'm sorry you don't like my views but that isn't my problem.

May I suggest you don't tell people who they should or shouldn't meet and stop acting like you've been personally attacked, if you want to defend homosexuality then fine, I think your attitude to those who oppose homosexual behaviour clearly needs the attitude adjustment.

And by the way I would defend a gay person if I saw them being physically attacked, I don't condone what happened to your friends but I remain opposed to homosexuality.

Regardless of you feeling that the act is vile, the fact that someone is homosexual is nothing to do with you. So on that pretense I think this whole conversation is moot. Regardless of your feelings, fortunately they don't count for anything.
1 Sep 2010
If that's the case then fine I'm very happy to be in the minority and will not take the populist view just to fit in. Lots of life left in this dinosaur yet.

Sometimes, not always, but sometimes views are 'populist' because the majority of people are well-adjusted people who don't have innate prejudices that make no logical sense.
15 Sep 2010
Sometimes, not always, but sometimes views are 'populist' because the majority of people are well-adjusted people who don't have innate prejudices that make no logical sense.

And a handful of posters on this forum is the majority is it? 752 posts out of 13,788 views is hardly a majority on the forum and many of those are by the same people. On the contrary, my posts are clear, I'm sorry you have difficulty making any sense out of them.
8 Mar 2007
And a handful of posters on this forum is the majority is it? 752 posts out of 13,788 views is hardly a majority on the forum and many of those are by the same people. On the contrary, my posts are clear, I'm sorry you have difficulty making any sense out of them.

Every poll in the Western world supports gay marriage, your views are more aligned with the third and second world countries still ran by religious authoritarian regimes so in the civilized world you are the minority.

Also I find it ironic that man whose forum name is 'Spanking Texan' is so homophobic.
1 Sep 2010
And a handful of posters on this forum is the majority is it? 752 posts out of 13,788 views is hardly a majority on the forum and many of those are by the same people. On the contrary, my posts are clear, I'm sorry you have difficulty making any sense out of them.

You called it a populist viewpoint, not me you flipping berk.
15 Sep 2010
You called it a populist viewpoint, not me you flipping berk.

Populist view point of posters here, not majority on forum, and I wouldn't lose any sleep if the entire forum or world for that matter was against me, I'd still think homosexual behaviour to be disgustingly vile, that's me, deal with it.
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8 Mar 2007
Populist view point of posters here, not majority on forum, and I wouldn't lose any sleep if the entire forum or world for that matter was against me, I'd still think homosexual behaviour to be disgustingly vile, that's me, deal with it.

Why are you so hung up on the sexual aspect of it though? As I've already explained (and you've ignored) lots of gay men don't engage in anal sex and the sexual aspect of it isn't the definition of homosexuality.

The fact you clearly think being gay is all about sex just shows how ignorant you are. You can't have a problem with two people loving each other can you?

You remind me of the Pastor in this video 2:38...

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