Change to MM access after 1st January 2024

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Well rather than bring out the hammer on everyone that doesn't apparently particpate in the wider forums regularly, the hammer should just come down on those that are clearly here for the MM only.
Indeed, I could understand a rule targeting people that primarily posted in the MM but this seems to go beyond that.

I always assumed having a thriving MM was beneficial to ocuk, that the proceeds from selling would often be used to buy new components from the shop? Reducing the number of established trustworthy participants likely makes for a less healthy market.

Anyway, my MM usage was mostly in my earlier days here, probably the last time I bought something was ~2020 so not going to miss it that much. Just seems a bit of a shame.
It's not about bargains - it's about reducing e-waste, helping people who want to get rid of items to do that in a safe environment (see the recent eBay thread here in GD).

I'm perfectly happy to go buy new at full price - but always check MM first in case there is someone wanting to get rid of whatever it is that I am looking for.

When there is something exciting happening in the "community", eg some new hardware that can actually be overclocked, or some new case designs - lurkers will post, but the current cycle of hardware is just "meh"

There's plenty of active members who will still purchase so the reducing e-waste argument is moot.

What I'm finding amusing is these "inactive" people are moaning about the new rules, and making several follow up arguments about not having the time / busy life, yet without realising they're now halfway through the required post count.

Frankly I'm of the opinion that 15 posts a quarter is way too low, access to MM should be a privilege not an entitlement.
I'll be honest, I was skeptical at first but started posting in topics that interested me yesterday. Before I knew it, I was getting replies and posting more. Got my access back in no time and have been enjoying taking part in discussions.
So I'm not skeptical anymore and can see what the goal of this (fair) rule is.
I'll be honest, I was skeptical at first but started posting in topics that interested me yesterday. Before I knew it, I was getting replies and posting more. Got my access back in no time and have been enjoying taking part in discussions.
So I'm not skeptical anymore and can see what the goal of this (fair) rule is.

Careful, it's addictive :(
There's plenty of active members who will still purchase so the reducing e-waste argument is moot.

What I'm finding amusing is these "inactive" people are moaning about the new rules, and making several follow up arguments about not having the time / busy life, yet without realising they're now halfway through the required post count.

Frankly I'm of the opinion that 15 posts a quarter is way too low, access to MM should be a privilege not an entitlement.

That's called taking some time off over Xmas - fear not, the lurking service will be resumed shortly
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I thought that forums wanted to avoid spam and otherwise pointless posts?
I only come here to look at the members market these days as nothing is of interest otherwise other than a few random posts. If people aren't posting 5 times a month you have to ask whats driving them away rather than forcing the boards to fill with spam surely or am I missing the point?
I thought that forums wanted to avoid spam and otherwise pointless posts?
I only come here to look at the members market these days as nothing is of interest otherwise other than a few random posts. If people aren't posting 5 times a month you have to ask whats driving them away rather than forcing the boards to fill with spam surely or am I missing the point?

Nothing is on interest? Hardware, films, sports, cars, bikes, food, home improvement, crypto, investments, games, to name but a few.

I shudder to think what might actually interest you :eek:
I thought that forums wanted to avoid spam and otherwise pointless posts?
I only come here to look at the members market these days as nothing is of interest otherwise other than a few random posts. If people aren't posting 5 times a month you have to ask whats driving them away rather than forcing the boards to fill with spam surely or am I missing the point?
You could start interesting threads yourself?

This is a forum not a market.
Nothing is on interest? Hardware, films, sports, cars, bikes, food, home improvement, crypto, investments, games, to name but a few.

I shudder to think what might actually interest you :eek:
That magical thing that's all around the outside of your computer screen - Life (and no, not the OCUK forums section called Life)
I thought that forums wanted to avoid spam and otherwise pointless posts?
I only come here to look at the members market these days as nothing is of interest otherwise other than a few random posts. If people aren't posting 5 times a month you have to ask whats driving them away rather than forcing the boards to fill with spam surely or am I missing the point?
You're completely missing the point. You're contributing exactly nothing to the community.

If nobody posts threads, or takes the time to reply to other threads there would be exactly zero content for us to read. The lurkers are relying on active contributors to provide them with content. All this rule about the members market does, is ensure that the people taking advantage of a business hosting their wanted\for sale ads where they get free moderation from the mod team, contribute to the forum by adding some content.
I'll be honest, I was skeptical at first but started posting in topics that interested me yesterday. Before I knew it, I was getting replies and posting more. Got my access back in no time and have been enjoying taking part in discussions.
So I'm not skeptical anymore and can see what the goal of this (fair) rule is.
Basically the same, I always read the threads but remain anonymous, actually posting and interacting and will continue to do so again on the threads that interest me
Nothing is on interest? Hardware, films, sports, cars, bikes, food, home improvement, crypto, investments, games, to name but a few.

I shudder to think what might actually interest you :eek:
This is mainly a computer enthusiast site. For the others you mentioned there are dedicated forums for them which your going to get better experience on.
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