charles and camilla attacked

30 Jun 2007
No doubt. But not really the point.

if you're talking about shooting people, yes it is.

Shooting civilians should be a last resort if they aren't putting them in immediate danger then there's no need or reason to massively aggravate the situation and put more people at risk by opening fire.
24 Nov 2002
38.744281°N 104.846806°W
if you're talking about shooting people, yes it is.

Shooting civilians should be a last resort if they aren't putting them in immediate danger then there's no need or reason to massively aggravate the situation and put more people at risk by opening fire.
It was a direct and unprovoked attack on the future Monarch of this country by enemy combatants. I would've ran them over if not opened fire. I hope they find out who did it an do them for treason. :D
30 Nov 2005
Oh dear, OCUK Torries getting genuine peaceful protesting Students mixed up with rent-a-mob anarchists.

Don't brandish real students with these idiots.

Thank you. Good night.
24 Nov 2002
38.744281°N 104.846806°W
Oh dear OCUK Torries getting genuine peaceful protesting Students mixed up with rent-a-mob anarchists.

Don't brandish real students with these idiots.

Thank you. Good night.
You know what?

It is always a minority. Race problems - minority. Violent strikes - minority. Student riots - minority. I'm sorry, I don't buy it. Everyone was involved and everyone was guilty. Barabbas and all that.

There were pre-arranged, approved and policed routes. The MAJORITY chose to ignore them. So bang goes your peaceful students.
30 May 2008
Was walking down Oxford Street, head down listening to Kanye's new album. Look up and there's a police man with a wtfpwnage gun in his hands, smoke grenades gone off and ambulances blocking access.

Can't say a terrorist attack didn't cross my mind.

Thank God it was just those pesky students :p
18 Oct 2002
I'm sick to the back teeth of these idiots. Sick of them. Every single one of them are a complete waste of good O2 that the rest of us could be breathing.

GO AND GET A BLOODY JOB. You sponging, trouble making stains.

Isnt that kinda their point? They want jobs, higher paying jobs but can't achieve the requirements because the government is making it financially unachievable?
I can imagine I would be upset, but I do agree I don't think I would be violent. Plackards and march is one thing.

However having watched that tv shower "coppers" it wouldn't surprise me one bit if the police were being their normally heavy handed arrogant selves, causing this to escalate. When something like this kicks off, the actually actions of calming it down will only add to the problem. If it starts, it ain't going to stop until it gets dark and cold.
Last edited:
31 Dec 2007
Oh dear, OCUK Torries getting genuine peaceful protesting Students mixed up with rent-a-mob anarchists.

Don't brandish real students with these idiots.

Thank you. Good night.

you cant have a reasonable discussion here about the students or the cuts because this place is full of right wing tories, its a shame the students didnt get into the commons! that vote was a disgrace
9 Jun 2005
I'm sick to the back teeth of these idiots. Sick of them. Every single one of them are a complete waste of good O2 that the rest of us could be breathing.

GO AND GET A BLOODY JOB. You sponging, trouble making stains.

how can you be so sick of something that has no effect whatsoever on you ? seems a bit strange

not sure you've checked the jobs papers in england or western europe but theres a few job shortages going on. people like you with no clue are as bad as the rioters who have no clue
13 Feb 2003
They should have used water cannon to disperse this lot earlier in the evening.

That's exactly NOT what they could do.

They had to contain them because they knew that if they were allowed to go off they would cause trouble all over London like last time.

They did manage to achieve this towards the end of the night on Oxford Street and the attack on the Royal car. If they'd been herded away earlier in the day, they would have been all over the place causing chaos.
8 Dec 2010
I don't think it was mainly students, more mainly anarchist that don't give two tosses about whats going on! Some idiots from the students probably joined in, but a lot of the students tried to stop them. Just like when people were on the roof of Milbank and students were telling them to stop throwing stuff at the police. The violence IS disgusting though, but how come it wasn't for seen?
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Isnt that kinda their point? They want jobs, higher paying jobs but can't achieve the requirements because the government is making it financially unachievable?

Absolute rubbish. This is the problem - people like you, and those protestors, have not even bothered to find out what the intentions are.

You will pay NOT A PENNY to obtain your education at the point of delivery. NOTHING. NIL. NADA, ZILCH.

You will go on paying NOT A PENNY until after you graduate *and* obtain a job paying at least £21,000 a year.

I have recently stopped being a student. I have a student loan. I am now paying it off through my salary and I don't have a problem with it at all. It was my education, I should pay for it.

The plans do not stop ANYONE from going to Uni. At all.
24 Nov 2002
38.744281°N 104.846806°W
I don't think it was mainly students, more mainly anarchist that don't give two tosses about whats going on! Some idiots from the students probably joined in, but a lot of the students tried to stop them. Just like when people were on the roof of Milbank and students were telling them to stop throwing stuff at the police. The violence IS disgusting though, but how come it wasn't for seen?
The students that were all interviewed didn't have a clue why they were there. I watched 20 interviews (BBC/sky news). Only 1 person had a valid argument. So no one knew what was going on. Just to smash **** up innit bruv!
30 Sep 2009
can someone clarify just how much difference these tuition fee raises will be compared to the previous rates? ask each one of these 'protesters' about their circumstances individually and i'd bet that 99% of them have had their fair share of handouts to get them where they are today in one form or another
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Isnt that kinda their point? They want jobs, higher paying jobs but can't achieve the requirements because the government is making it financially unachievable?
I can imagine I would be upset, but I do agree I don't think I would be violent. Plackards and march is one thing.

However having watched that tv shower "coppers" it wouldn't surprise me one bit if the police were being their normally heavy handed arrogant selves, causing this to escalate.

Way to skew the facts into lies. It is not finacialy unachievable, they all get loans to cover it.
There simply is no need for the high amount of students to go to uni as such, there isn't the jobs,
the coubtries in huge debt and has to make cuts everywhere.
Either we increase loans, like we have. Or restrict the numberr of places to the most gifted.
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