Chav parents feed kids fish and chips through gates

Lopéz said:
People need to remember that "healthy" does not mean "cram as many lettuce leaves on to a plate as you can possibly manage", and that having a burger and chips does not make you Satan's even nastier little brother.
Yup - people seem to completely lose the meaning and scope of what healthy means.

I'm out on the raz tonight and will probably finish off with a kebab which these days probably elevates you to Fascist Dictator at the very least.

This week I have been mostly eating

Mon - Tortelini (cheese filled) and a basic tomato and basil sauce.
Tue - Vegetable Pilau and Tarka Dhal (veggie curry)
Wed - Sushi (using tuna and avacado) Pic below, kids loved it with light soy sauce and fresh ginger.
Thur - Salmon steaks on a bed of spinach with hollandaise sauce and a cheesy mash.
Fri - Smoked Salmon and Brie on crusty bread.
Sat - Stir fried veg with noodles and strips of fresh tuna.


I had a lot of fish this week :)
When I was at secondary school, they had to get over 1000 kids through the dining hall in just under an hour.

You'd be half way through your dinner and you can guarantee that a member of staff will be hovering over almost to say "are you going yet". If you had a chocolate bar/drink left, you were asked to leave and drink/eat somewhere else. If you took it outside you got moaned at because you were increasing the amount of litter being thrown about despite the fact actually most of the kids put the rubbish in bins. :rolleyes: Couldn't wait till I went to sixth form.
same here 1500 kids . one hour . one que

most people took packed lunches or just ate crap because of this.

god knows what they do now packed lunches are inspected .

allot of people got injured running to be first in the que too actually iirc :p
In all my years of schooling I never once saw a chip in the school canteen :eek:
I saw my first chip when I went to college on a Monday.
Of course my mummy made me proper chip pan chips in proper lard when I were a lad.
Freefaller said:
I agree. Then again we come from a culture where we take our food more seriously (and more healthily) - but then our life expectancy is higher too

I take as long as I want for lunch - then again I take my lunch seriously.

Kids need time to run around, 30 mins for lunch is frankly pathetic - and as for the comment of preparing them for work life?! That the funniest and most ridiculous piece of **** comment I've ever heard!

At school we had a salad bar/buffet thing and a hot meals section - so it was entirely up to you what you had. You had the chance and choice of having as many veggies as you wanted. Needless to say I of course did. But I later went off to bringing my own lunch in as it meant I could go out and sit elsewhere with my friends and not have to be in a noisy cramped food hall.

I think the problem with a lot of kids these days is they are not introduced to a wide range of food at a young age and their paletes develop a lot more slowly - if they get fed burgers and chips at a young age - of course other foods will start tasting "horrid", they are polluting their taste buds development. No wonder Britain is become a nation of porkers. Compare it to the Med or France it's really very very apparent.

I think the parents are just as much to blame really. If the parents don't introduce the kids to it they'll never try it. Furthermore if the kids should have a broader choice, with less "fry up" or cheap easy food such as burgers and chips.

Go a generation back, we were a lot slimmer and had a more educated sense of gastronomy.

It took someone from the same cultural background as me to agree :D

My school in France had two hour lunch breaks, with 15 mins in morning and another 15 in the afternoons. It meant a few days in the week I'd be in school right the way from 8AM to 5PM, but so what? I'd get six or seven hours of lessons depending on timetable which allows some days to be shorter or to have 'free' periods right from the age of 11, as opposed to waiting until I reach the sixth form.

Many kids in my previous school would go home for their lunches (given that they had a lot of time) even for those who lived one or two or even more miles away - practically every child had a bike. The two hours meant you always had time to eat a decent lunch and most importantly, to go out and taste some air with your friends. Lunches were not negotiable like they are here. In the canteen here you'd have a choice between chips/pizza/burgers and occasionally something like pasta or roast. In my school in France the 'cantine' or 'refectoire' (I have no idea how to translate that last one) served a predetermined meal every day - generally chips were served once a week or fortnight. Sure we'd moan that the menu for the particular day wasn't our favourite, but we'd still eat up and sometimes enjoy it because there just wasn't anything else. It took a little getting used to for me, having come from a secondary school in Bristol at the time, but after a few months or so of getting used to it I saw the point.

I don't know if it is a problem with culture. In France, a meal is taken as a chance to socialise. All school lunches are had in numbers at a table with discussion and meals lasted at the very least 45 mins, even if most had finished their lunch. A meal by yourself is a wasted meal, a wasted chance to partake in what is a social occasion.

fozzybear said:
Why is it?

These 'parents' are knowingly feeding their kids absolute rubbish yet they know it may have a detrimental effect on their future health. That, i n my eyes, is abusing your child!

The parents are so bloody bone idle that they can't be bothered to cook proper food. I'd sterilise these parents to make sure they can't have more kids and therefore stop them draining the NHS when the kids are 32 stone and suffering from heart problems etc. I really would, i feel that strongly.

They're a disgrace to good parents who actually have their children's health and future in mind.

Gilly said it before and I'll say it again: sensationalist nonsense. Going along your lines, should we stop smokers from having children? After all, that may have detrimental effects.

Freefaller said:
We have McD's in France
French opinion is generally very negative of the food in McDonalds, the parents just take the kids there once a week or fortnight as you've said for yourself. The case was the same for me.
Killerkebab said:
Going along your lines, should we stop smokers from having children? After all, that may have detrimental effects.

No, smokers should be allowed children but should make an effort not to smoke around them. As i said, parents should put their kids health above everything especially their own selfishness.
Trojan said:
Yep, they certainly do. As far as I'm aware most if not all schools now do not allow crisps, chocolate, fizzy pop or anything like that in packed lunches.

I think it's an absolute ******* disgrace however, I mean who the hell do they think they are dictating to parents what they can and can't feed their children? I can understand the whole health drive thing, but to actually ban items that aren't deemed heathy? Madness. What's wrong with a kid having a pack of crisps with his sarnies? As long as it's in moderation, absolutely sod all in my opinion.

There appears to be a lot of evidence to suggest that different food types influence behaviour and attention in class in different ways.
I know that certain foodstuffs send my 4 year old off the wall for example.
I also know that I would not be happy if her lessons were being ruined by some kid who spent all day ona sugar rush playing up.
It is not just about healthy eating it is also about behaviour in schools and why wouldn't you want your kids to have a least one meal a day that wasn't full of additives, chemicals and nasties?
If I have gone to the effort to ensure my daughter is well behaved, polite and not disturbing other kids then why shouldn't I expect other parents to do the same?
I suspect that the majority of posters who approve of better control over what kids eat in schools have their own kids, whilst those who don't approve are either kids themselves or don't have kids.
Its uncool for parents to bring kids their lunch, hope the chavs get picked on by the emos at school for it :D
Bad parenting - are we surprised? Next time your in the supermarket look out for a mumsy type and take a look at their trolley - 9 times out of 10 it'll be full of **** you wouldn't feed your dog. Laden with fizzy drinks, crisps and chicken nuggets.
to be honest, when I was at school, you ate what you where given, or you got in trouble and it was "real" food, non of this chips every day crap.
packed lunches where not an option (not alowed), the school would cater for "special" diet requirements but all in all they cooked you food and you ate it, if you didn't there had to be a DAMN good reason.
then you where let out to run around for a hour or so.

I think that if the perents fed their kids good food at home rather than "cheap" food (and good food does NOT have to cost more) then we'ed see a lot less ADHD etc. having a good diet realy DOES make a difference to your attitude.
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VeNT said:
I think that if the perents fed their kids good food at home rather than "cheap" food (and good food does NOT have to cost more) then we'ed see a lot less ADHD etc. having a good diet realy DOES make a difference to your attitude.

Don't confuse cheap food with easy food. Spuds and carrots cost pennies but you have to peel them, chop them, cook them. Cheap cuts of meat from a butcher cost less than frozen burgers but you have take the trouble to go to the butcher to buy it, even know it exists in the first place.

Frozen chips and fish fingers are horribly expensive for what they are.
I used to have a sausage roll or pastie every morning from the canteen, then almost every day for five years I had a chip butty with gravy and a sausage in batter for dinner :D
My parents are decent people and we always had more money than most in my area but my mother didn't cook, my father has no interest in food, he hardly eats.
My mother had the usual excuse, tired after work etc. I got used to just eating toast, crisps, rolls and sandwiches at home. Nearly every Sat my old man would take us to the chippie and then on Sunday we would have fish fingers and chips or summat :) Water was for washing, not drinking. I survived on Coke.

I was fat but in no way did the food affect me mentally, I was pretty bright and finished well ranked in my year (top class and top sets). I did not suffer from sugar highs and lows nor did I do anything no normal teenage kid doesn't. My sister had the same diet and got 10 A*'s and had the best results of anyone in her year.

The only downside I see for myself personally of such a bad diet is that I have a stunted palate now. I don't find most very heathly stuff nice to taste or look at. My GF is Chinese and they eat a ton of greens, I don't see the attraction nor do I like to eat most of it (ps. they do not eat anything like what they sell!!!!)

Kids do need more healthy stuff but I think taking choice away is a bad thing, forcing little people to eat things just because we deem them healthy is just bad. If they want to go home for lunch or eat crisps then let them, the parents need to tackle it.
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Magsy said:
I was fat but in no way did the food affect me mentally, I was pretty bright and finished well ranked in my year (top class and top sets). I did not suffer from sugar highs and lows nor did I do anything no normal teenage kid doesn't. My sister had the same diet and got 10 A*'s and had the best results of anyone in her year.

Some kids are more susceptible to additives than others. My 4 year old becomes very difficult after drinking orange juice made from concentrate (which is most orange juices and something that I always thought was healthy). She's fine on tropicana. Most odd.

Magsy said:
Kids do need more healthy stuff but I think taking choice away is a bad thing, forcing little people to eat things just because we deem them healthy is just bad. If they want to go home for lunch or eat crisps then let them, the parents need to tackle it.

Why is it bad? Should we let them smoke too because taking choices away is bad?
NiCkNaMe said:
It's not all about appearance ya' know ;)

Fair do's if your playing by that philosophy, if you are indeed eating 'anything' (by that I assume chocolate, fast food, etc, etc) then I'd love to see the condition of your arteries and general health in a few years :)

Nooo im a very healthy eater, Infact when at college i come home for lunch make a salad sandwhich (Mmmm!!!) I'm just saying fat kids get picked on becuase people tend to think they eat loads when its not always the case i think some people just have different metabolizisms (sp?)
I am suprised no-one has come out against those mothers selling chips and accused them of exploiting the situation and the children and making money out of it.

If you are allowing your child to eat crap all the time you must just accecpt ou are a bad parent because either

a. you dont know how to care for you child and their diet.
b. you do know and dont give a damn about them

If you were to feed a dog rubbish and that dog got ill the RSPCA would round to see you, why is a dogs diet valued more than a childs?
VIRII said:
Why is it bad? Should we let them smoke too because taking choices away is bad?

Life is about choices and not restricting freedom, people seem to see the way forward is to ban everything and narrow everyones choices into a small tunnel. The world is going to suck really badly when we are told what to do 24/7. Yes this is nowhere near that but we are going that way. All this talk about McD's advertising and making their meals healthier, I don't understand, anyone with half a brain realises eating it does you no favours? We don't need a smokers style warning on junk food - besides it does no good on the fags anyway, we just all laugh about it.

I would much rather see people make the choice to eat healthily and not be forced into it. Parents need to step up and take control but if they choose to let their kids eat what they (the children) want then that needs to be respected.

I don't disagree children should eat healthy and I agree that some children react differently, I have a cousin who sounds similar to your little girl but junk does not do the same for all.
Magsy said:
Life is about choices and not restricting freedom, people seem to see the way forward is to ban everything and narrow everyones choices into a small tunnel. The world is going to suck really badly when we are told what to do 24/7.

As a parent your job is to guide your child into making better choices, that by nature is restricting their freedom.
Magsy said:
Yes this is nowhere near that but we are going that way. All this talk about McD's advertising and making their meals healthier, I don't understand, anyone with half a brain realises eating it does you no favours?

Daytime childrens TV is filled with adverts from McD's etc aimed very specifically at children. Childrens minds are like sponges and they absorb everything and aren't sophisticated enough to know that burgers aren't good for you. Thank god for the BBC and its lack of advertising aimed at kids.
I guess you become more aware of how serious the case with advertising is when your child sings "I'm loving it" and yet has never been to McDonalds. I'm guessing that you don't often watch any childrens TV and so aren't aware of the extent of the advertising aimed at kids.
Magsy said:
We don't need a smokers style warning on junk food - besides it does no good on the fags anyway, we just all laugh about it.

Warnings on food are a good idea but a better one is the nutritional information making people aware of just how much fat and salt are in foods that are generally far higher than people expect.
Magsy said:
I would much rather see people make the choice to eat healthily and not be forced into it. Parents need to step up and take control but if they choose to let their kids eat what they (the children) want then that needs to be respected.

It can only be respected if it has no impact on other children and behaviour. I am of the belief that junk foods lead to disruptive children on the whole and that the evidence points to healthy diets leading to better learning environments.
When I was a kid some parents gave their 12 year olds cigarettes. Should we respect the parents right to allow their 12 year olds to smoke? If not then why should we allow the parents to feed their kids foods that can harm them?
Magsy said:
I don't disagree children should eat healthy and I agree that some children react differently, I have a cousin who sounds similar to your little girl but junk does not do the same for all.

This may well be the case but it certainly also appears to be the case that where children are being fed better school dinners that the classrooms are much improved.
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