Thing is, i know you are a 50/50 fan. To you it isnt the end of the world like some others, me included. It is far from predictable, can i just get this clear once and for all. Your idea of predictable is 300 lads working their asses off, giving up weekends etc.
Whilst you are at the pub or at a mates, these guys [ a lot of my friends] are working their asses off.They dont get Saturdays or Sundays, this isnt a rarity, this is everyday in F1. Please dont think there are 600 guys sitting on their asses, this isnt true.
Now the personal bit.
I love most of you guys to bits, some of you have very interesting ideas as to how F1 works [Sunama} Some of you are so far away, its comical, also Sunama! but, most of you are partly correct lol. I really cant post anymore.