Chocolate in fridge | Face off

Ordinarily, at least in the UK I'd say no, however, if you've never put a KitKat chunky in the fridge and had it cold, you've missed out :p
On the subject of actual bars of chocolate, does anyone else not open the wrapping straight away, but instead break up all the individual segments of the bar with the pack still closed, such that you have all the square loose inside. Then at that point open one end and eat the squares like a bag of crisps?
On the subject of actual bars of chocolate, does anyone else not open the wrapping straight away, but instead break up all the individual segments of the bar with the pack still closed, such that you have all the square loose inside. Then at that point open one end and eat the squares like a bag of crisps?
I much prefer breaking off the rows olive this in a big bar. One row at a time mind, or I'll eat the lot.
Has anyone come up with a reliable non-destructive method to detect the coffee ones in a pack of Revels? Not involving your mouth obviously?
On the subject of actual bars of chocolate, does anyone else not open the wrapping straight away, but instead break up all the individual segments of the bar with the pack still closed, such that you have all the square loose inside. Then at that point open one end and eat the squares like a bag of crisps?
I do that, but I don't eat them like a bag of crisps. I tend to break them up then open it out flat and place it on the arm of my sofa so I can just pick chunks up.
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Ummm chocolate.
I refuse to buy a bar of chocolate if it is in anyway broken. If anyones going to break it then it has to be me.
In the freezer winter & summer.
You will have to gnaw at it risking snapping a tooth off but it lasts a lot longer and is always eaten before it melts.
The top shelf of my fridge has mostly chocolate stuff on it, kit kats, chocolate from christmas etc. It's all mine. Everyone else (2 kids and wife) prefer theirs in the cupboard. I prefer it cold, added positive that none of them can reach it.
Chocolate milk in the fridge, chocolate in the cupboard, chocolate Labrador on the couch.
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