
I'm glad my nearest Hotel Chocolat involves a train journey into Birmingham and braving the Bullring that alone keeps me from dying surrounded by empty wrappers.
I'm glad my nearest Hotel Chocolat involves a train journey into Birmingham and braving the Bullring that alone keeps me from dying surrounded by empty wrappers.

You don't need to go to the Bullring, there's one at the station, where I got it from on the way into work.
Half price so £13.50 each.
I better get to my local store ASAP before they run out, they never seem to have stock for long after the event :)
I bought Hotel Chocolate before and it was nice but I couldn't get passed how I had spent £1.50 for a small lolly.
Easily worth IMO as it is far nicer than usual brands like Cadburys/Nestle and even G&B
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Some of Hotel Chocolat Selector boxes are very tasty indeed but I also find a lot of their stuff to be quite mediocre by comparison.

I do find Lindt to usually be better value and taste slightly better for the less creative items. As said buy in the sale or near expiry unless you feel particularly flush.

I think a large part of the Hotel Chocolate price is just a brand/experience premium. Would murder for their caramel though.
I tried making my own chocolate "products", hokey pokey.

This must have cost me about £15 in ingredients (sugar, dark, milk and white chocolate), and also an hour's of my time. And that's only Green & Black stuff, nothing THAT special. I don't think I could get that much quality chocolate for £80 in weight as I just did, unless I can get it in trade prices, especially not in the variety as opposed to solid bars.

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