
I'm glad my nearest Hotel Chocolat involves a train journey into Birmingham and braving the Bullring that alone keeps me from dying surrounded by empty wrappers.
Half price so £13.50 each.
I better get to my local store ASAP before they run out, they never seem to have stock for long after the event :)
I bought Hotel Chocolate before and it was nice but I couldn't get passed how I had spent £1.50 for a small lolly.
Easily worth IMO as it is far nicer than usual brands like Cadburys/Nestle and even G&B
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Some of Hotel Chocolat Selector boxes are very tasty indeed but I also find a lot of their stuff to be quite mediocre by comparison.

I do find Lindt to usually be better value and taste slightly better for the less creative items. As said buy in the sale or near expiry unless you feel particularly flush.

I think a large part of the Hotel Chocolate price is just a brand/experience premium. Would murder for their caramel though.
I tried making my own chocolate "products", hokey pokey.

This must have cost me about £15 in ingredients (sugar, dark, milk and white chocolate), and also an hour's of my time. And that's only Green & Black stuff, nothing THAT special. I don't think I could get that much quality chocolate for £80 in weight as I just did, unless I can get it in trade prices, especially not in the variety as opposed to solid bars.

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