Christian Bale losing it on set of T4 at the DP

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Seems like you're mixing jest with seriousness somewhat. I suggest anything in GD is taken with a pinch of salt where opinions are concerned - I know you've /only/ got 3500 posts but that's enough these days to know this by now about the OcUK forum. Or maybe it isn't....

Not everything in every thread is posted to be serious, sometimes people will read them out of context and take them the wrong way which is exactly how you're treating this.

I never assumed anything as fact. I stated my opinions based on what I heard/understood from the audio clip. I'm not wrong in my opinion because of that and the reason for the thread is to hear other peoples views on it without being insulted. It's my observation of the small amount of info known on this matter and no different to how other people have gathered their opinions and the rest of us have managed to rally each others views back and forth without having to drop to the level of intricate detail and insults you've managed to build in the last few posts alone.

Wit and humour in your posts are great but badly used in this thread because you're taking it out of context and come across as a bit of a self proclaimed know it all telling people why you think they're wrong and demanding answers through it.

Again, no offence but that's my opinion of your posts here and I won't let one person try to persuade me otherwise for having an opinion, or at least one without a reasonable debate that doesn't revolve around insults and questioning their age.

It seems you approve of how Bale reacted so I will ask why?

Like I said, there's no reason to turn into a badass and use such foul language at anyone in a work environment especially when you're swearing and shouting about being professional resulting in an immense cloud of hypocrisy. It's just not on.

Everyone goes through titty shimes at least a few times in their lives, many even every day at their jobs but you don't see them losing their cool and becoming absolute monsters that not even a 3rd party can calm down. I see it as no different to Road Rage and is an anger management issue.

Method actor or not, others in the same class as him can do it perfectly fine so what makes him more superior to be allowed to use such language at another man doing his job.
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blah blah blah :D (sorry couldn't be bothered to find the smiley you used

ok i guess in some ways yes you are saying opinion but then it's highly unfair, perhaps i could have said how what you have said is unfair differently but the first time didn't seem to be obvious to you as you asked my point, where as you said...

Well there's nothing that says he told the guy to not do it the last time round (other than mentioning he saw him do it once before)
which somehow in your opinion it was obvious that he ignored it and decided to cause a drama scene the 2nd time. this is very unfair judgment to make on people you know very very very little about.

just finally then want to try and get one thing clear, you think that in no way is your opinion based on really pretty much nothing, just a very very short audio clip taking from someones life, you have an idea of what has happened before to cause that outburst but you have no clue what has happened to CB that day/month/year.

sorry if you are insulted from the question about your age and anything else, it was not meant to insult you but get you to rethink a lot what you have said. "CB didn't think of the fans" etc. it appears like you wanted to create hate against CB rather then a discussion what a lot what you have said.

Perhaps you don't see it but it does come massively across as fact that CB didn't ask first, CB is a terrible person etc etc.

things like this could ruin the actor as people take it and start spreading it around the internet with more then just this is interesting but a highly unfair opinion and unfortunately like in this case it's what people first see.

To me this is like reading a daily mail article (especially the guess he didn't think of his fans comment in first post), massively unfair silly points being made which far too many people will read and go oh CB sucks etc without really putting much thought into it.

edit: i haven't taken any offense to what you said.

and also, i didn't just pick on you for the sake of it just in case you or anyone else thought i did, i saw a post of yours and though wait a second thats really a silly thing to say so wanted to express i thought it was a close minded unfair opinion, so made a comment, then you come back with something again i thought was rather silly and then re-reading the post i realised a lot of what i thought was a silly thing to say was by you. it appears i took each post apart but that was only becuase you had said a lot of things. if it was one post i would have made one reply. you posted what 4/5/6 times so each one i wanted to comment on, which helps other users have a bigger picture of what was said, which tbh i'd rather do then just take one tiny small bit of text and then comment on it and appear silly :P
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Well that is correct, why would he not think of the millions of people who will be listening or watching his outburst? he's at a scene with recording equipment all going so he'd clearly know that what he says would be seen or heard by everyone and they could take it the wrong way.

'To me; it's like as many here in this thread has said, he lost his cool and went way OTT which was completely out of line (there is no denying that) to be able to think for a second about what he's actually saying to this guy and I think it's fair to say that it's his own fault that the world wide web is listening to it and thinking the worst even if there is more to it - Surely he's not bone idle to the fact that this got leaked, why doesn't he get his agent to make a statement giving the actual facts of the situation giving him suitable rights to flip out like that?

It just boggles the mind why someone of his status would act like that to another person and that's why I think he deserves the bad press he's been getting everywhere based on that audio.

Don't get me wrong, I like his films and his acting but having such an attitude in real life is not on and it doesn't help that his own family filed an assault charge against him recently.

It's not a good example to set to fans the majority of which will be kids who come across that audio when searching for Batman stuff online.

I couldn't find anything on you tube about Tom Cruise going off the deep end on set, do you have any links?

Probably not using the right terms :D.

He's not gone off like Bale of course, was more thinking how they both have their own world etc - youtube Tom Cruise and Scientology as an example :eek:
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He's not gone off like Bale of course, was more thinking how they both have their own world etc - youtube Tom Cruise and Scientology as an example :eek:

well there was that time when he had a bucket load of water splashed at him when he was being interviewed on the red carpet and then he got angry about it and people didn't like that. perhaps this is what people mean why they say about the cruise/bale thing as it's kind of similar in that they both got angry.

this vid:
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It's nothing compared to the behaviour of Director David O Russell. Do a search for him and especially his outburst on the set of I ♥ Huckabees (the video of this tantrum is hilarious)

And suggesting Bale lose his 'job' for this? Hahaha. Right :rolleyes: Jeopardise an enormous movie (I bet $100m+) because the star swore at a DP. Hahahaha.
It's nothing compared to the behaviour of Director David O Russell. Do a search for him and especially his outburst on the set of I ♥ Huckabees (the video of this tantrum is hilarious)

And suggesting Bale lose his 'job' for this? Hahaha. Right :rolleyes: Jeopardise an enormous movie (I bet $100m+) because the star swore at a DP. Hahahaha.

lol, just watched a David O Russell vid... mental :O
It's nothing compared to the behaviour of Director David O Russell. Do a search for him and especially his outburst on the set of I ♥ Huckabees (the video of this tantrum is hilarious)

And suggesting Bale lose his 'job' for this? Hahaha. Right :rolleyes: Jeopardise an enormous movie (I bet $100m+) because the star swore at a DP. Hahahaha.

haha now that is funny, that guy must have really been on the edge or something as he completely lost it and turned over to the dark side for ages

already i see comments on youtube watching that video about bale :(
Just listened to it.
May be a little over the top, but sounds like the other guy is winding him up. You do something stupid at work, you (sometimes) get shouted at. Some people shout more than others.
What a spastic hissy fit. There is no profession in which behaving like a big flouncy madam to your minions gets the best from them or teaches them best when they mess up.

I expect more from my countrymen and if I ever see him around the diff I will tackle him and give him a proper welsh kicking to remind him of his roots and halt his LA poncification. What is he thinking with that accent. LA/valleys/LA/estuary/valleys/LA
I think it was justified, i'm amazed at the people who strut around all high and mighty like they've never had a go at someone. All the pressure is on him and if some lighting noob ruins an important scene then he deserves to get chewed out.

Hey folks, Harry here... I'm getting slammed with assloads of people angry at me for not posting the Bale explosion from the set of McG's TERMINATOR: SALVATION. Well, first off - there's a real simple reason. It isn't news. And it certainly isn't cool news. It is a moment in a man's life taken completely out of context and most likely leaked to personally embarrass Christian Bale.

Now, I know what a lot of you are thinking... There's no excuse for a temper tantrum like that to ever occur and if you are going to act that way, you deserve to be embarrassed by your own actions.

Except, you want to hear the REALITY behind that clip?

I know this because I happen to be somewhere where someone that was there that day and for the shoot is. And this person isn't a publicist, nor are they invested in Bale's career. They're just someone that thinks it is absolute bull**** that this moment in Bale's life is being aired and that the real story should get out there.

The DP on TERMINATOR SALVATION, Shane Hurlbut, is a apparently a light tweaker. He's a fairly young DP and likes to fiddle with his lights on set during action, which is a big "NO NO" on most productions unless worked out in advance with performers. But apparently Shane was a pretty unrepentant light tweaker.

The scene in question, was a very emotional and tough scene between Christian Bale and Bryce Howard. A scene that required soul bearing and a deep level of immersive concentration. The sort of scene where everyone on set knows not to get in anyone's eye lines, and definitely not to move lights around while FILMING. You lock that
down before the scene starts.

Bale had indeed warned the DP on multiple occasions about messing with lights while the cameras were rolling, and Bale was in the midst of a painful scene with Bryce, what was described to me as being the emotional center of the film and his character for the film.

Now, the reason I know all of this is because the person that was there, felt that it should be made perfectly clear that Christian Bale was the utmost gentleman and cool guy on set. And the DP really was doing something that professional DPs with experience just don't do. Not during a performance.

You don't need me to give you a link, it's all over the internet, I just felt that you should know what really went down - and that this particular outburst did indeed modify the DP's behavior - and for future DPs. **** with the lights before and after your actors are acting. Not during.

I stay out of the 'personal gossip' arena because frankly... can you imagine your personal
aired for all to see. None of us are perfect, and certainly we have all sinned to some degree. Actors, Actresses, Celebrities and the people exploited on sites like TMZ. They're human beings that I personally feel are owed the same inalienable rights that the rest of us hold dear.

Can you imagine cameras documenting your every attempted private moment. This moment was something that occurred in the heat of a moment on set between professionals. The audio is so clear on Christian, that it's obvious a mike was on him or a foot and a half above him. These are the sorts of moments that are private affairs. Yet somehow, because he's an actor. We feel it's permissable to air his dirty laundry. It isn't our business. It isn't anybody's ****** business. Will this affect TERMINATOR SALVATION? Will this give us insight into his character? Only because I found some details out, do we know it was in the midst of a scene between him and Bryce Howard. But that's accidental... and certainly hasn't been revealed by CNN or any other media, because they just run the clip with BEEPS. Is it funny? I suppose it may be. It allows regular people to laugh, point fingers and call someone other than themselves an *******. But frankly, I find it disgusting. It's the exact thing that I made AICN to not be about. I wrote this, not to create an endless TALKBACK, but to express my opinion on the spreading of stories like this and making Christian look bad, when he isn't.
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