Bit of a straw man there.
I think you will find the great majority of people do not drink to excess to the point that it incurs any NHS costing.
I also doubt you will find many people who will advocate getting blitzed enough to warrant an NHS visit.
Nor will you find anyone saying those who do it should be left alone, not treated, not dealt with.
The alcohol point would be relevant if nothing was done, but no one is happy with those who block up the NSH with drunken antics, liver cirrhosis, trauma injuries, and binge drinking results.
There is no comparison.
You dont have to be "blitzed" to need a trip to the NHS, so share a straw hat with me. You just have to get drunk enough to loose balance and tumble and sprain an ankle, to take a visit to the hospital at the tax payers expense.
Not every smoker has to go to hospital either you know.
Smoking, you are more of a chance to get cancer and other illnesses, but people often assume you are 100% likely and you will get it at some point when you dont. I've had relatives die with no illnesses, at a grand old age still chugging fags away like theyre tic tacs.
Im not ignorant to dangers, but neither are the people who jump out of planes or do other stuff they know in the back of their head could kill them. Its one of lifes enjoyments and risks, and whilst you may see it as an unenjoyment, many dont, and people should be allowed to make up their own minds as to if they choose to put their own lives at risk, so long as it does not affect others.
Preaching NHS bills and why should you pay them, just because someone chooses that one day they MIGHT gain cancer because of something they enjoy doing, when in reality it works for any case, such as sports injuries, why should i pay for someone that is risking their own bodies injury, on a high contact sports when i dont do them myself?
The NHS is there for everybody, and paid by everybody i just wish people wouldnt assume they have a right to decide who gets it because of what they do.
Lets ban flip flops, I dont wear them so why should others at the cost of 40mil. if thats the case how much do sporting injuries cost per year?
Its pathetic