Cigarette Strength Guide

Its not morally right. When you refuse to treat people, you’re not only hurting them but innocent people around them. For example, is it right to deny lung cancer treatment to a 30 year old mum of two because she hasn’t been to quit smoking? Is it right to condemn those children to losing their mum?

It is morally right. These people willingly partake in a voluntary activity that everyone knows is harmful to health. The NHS is breaking under the strain of treating smokers and alcoholics. This squandering of scare resources puts good people at risk.
Terrible analogy. Exercise promotes health. Smoking harms it, and is a voluntary activity.

It is fair to say if people keep themselves out of harms way that they would be less of a burden on the tax payer. Most runners I have met end up with knackered knees so what is your definition of health?
It is morally right. These people willingly partake in a voluntary activity that everyone knows is harmful to health. The NHS is breaking under the strain of treating smokers and alcoholics. This squandering of scare resources puts good people at risk.
Smokers contribute £12 billion in direct tax revenues:

They also die younger, so generally don't end up costing the taxpayer loads when they have lived until 99 and needed full time care for 20 years. I'm not a smoker, but I thought everyone knew they were a good thing when it comes to not being a tax burden.
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Smokers contribute £12 billion in direct tax revenues:

They also die younger, so generally don't end up costing the taxpayer loads when they have lived until 99 and needed full time care for 20 years. I'm not a smoker, but I thought everyone knew they were a good thing when it comes to not being a tax burden.
Yeah! Let's give the walking sacks of tumours a round of applause! Woo!
just stop doesnt matter how much you smoke. chuck them in the bin. make a week you will probably just be done for life. the first week is the hardest. i uses to smoke a lot. just stopped been ten years now.

just smoking less or less strength cigerettes doesnt work. you just wincing out.
It is morally right. These people willingly partake in a voluntary activity that everyone knows is harmful to health. The NHS is breaking under the strain of treating smokers and alcoholics. This squandering of scare resources puts good people at risk.

Why are you stopping at smokers? Why not refuse treatment for those who over eat, those that eat the "wrong" foods, those who over exercise. What about people hurt in road accidents when they've been speeding? We could shoot them at the side of the road... If you're happy to absorb the cost of the bullets. We could refuse dental care to kids who eat sweets and don't brush 3 times a day?

In fact, why don't we just reserve an entire hospital just for selfish old you? :)
i know it wasn't asked for, but if it's artificially lowering nicotine you're after than vaping has exactly what you need, these days most stuff needs the nicotine added so you can set your level exactly what you want it to be.

plus it doesn't smell as bad and it's easier to vape and drive.
Lol at some of the holier than thou attitudes of some members here :D I guess they don't enjoy a beer, fatty food or anything else posing some risk to their health either. Wow! Best cut their health care if they ever do though :rolleyes:
I am just wondering why none smokers are posting in this thread? :confused:

The OP is a smoker and fair play. Only asked for recommendations?

I always felt when smoking Silk Cut, it was pointless, you ended up drawing harder. The filter usually confirmed this!

Marlboro Lights was my choice, I then moved to roll-ups. Once I moved to roll-ups, I could never revert back to a normal cigarette (not saying they are better, only I felt the smoke was smoother for me).
Inb4 the thread gets closed...

There are numerous mentions here about giving up smoking. My attitude is that if you want to give up smoking, it's you that have to make that decision. Not the establishment. I say this as a non-smoker and have never smoked. All of this nannying does my suede in.
Inb4 the thread gets closed...

There are numerous mentions here about giving up smoking. My attitude is that if you want to give up smoking, it's you that have to make that decision. Not the establishment. I say this as a non-smoker and have never smoked. All of this nannying does my suede in.

That's a rare attitude, always amazed me the amount of "thats bad for you y'know" i'd get with a feg in hand, as if the myriad of warnings hadnt already made it blatantly obvious, the fact i'm still smoking anyway plainly means i don't give a monkeys what society thinks is good for me.

That said, i've yet to meet a smoker who deep down doesnt want to kick the habit, its just that its easier said than done and you're absolutely spot on that it needs to be a decision made for your own benefit not because someone else tells you because its easy to hide a sneaky relapse from other people but you cant hide it from yourself.
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