Cigarette Strength Guide

That's a rare attitude, always amazed me the amount of "thats bad for you y'know" i'd get with a feg in hand, as if the myriad of warnings hadnt already made it blatantly obvious, the fact i'm still smoking anyway plainly means i don't give a monkeys what society thinks is good for me.

That said, i've yet to meet a smoker who deep down doesnt want to kick the habit, its just that its easier said than done and you're absolutely spot on that it needs to be a decision made for your own benefit not because someone else tells you because its easy to hide a sneaky relapse from other people but you cant hide it from yourself.

I quit in Jan this year. Before I'd cut it to one or two a day with half just before bed time to help sleep.

Then I went onto anti smoking gum. Now I'm free.
Why are you stopping at smokers? Why not refuse treatment for those who over eat, those that eat the "wrong" foods, those who over exercise. What about people hurt in road accidents when they've been speeding? We could shoot them at the side of the road... If you're happy to absorb the cost of the bullets. We could refuse dental care to kids who eat sweets and don't brush 3 times a day?

In fact, why don't we just reserve an entire hospital just for selfish old you? :)

This is why the NHS is now spending load of money on trying to educate people so they don't smoke/become obese in the first place. Yes, there's a moral obligation to treat people because that's the the NHS does, but there'd be a lot less strain on resources if people didn't get into those conditions in the first place.
This is why the NHS is now spending load of money on trying to educate people so they don't smoke/become obese in the first place. Yes, there's a moral obligation to treat people because that's the the NHS does, but there'd be a lot less strain on resources if people didn't get into those conditions in the first place.

There's a multitude of conditions that are avoidable with education. However, I don't see why smokers should be singled out. If there's one section of society that pays for their own stupidity, it's smokers.
This is why the NHS is now spending load of money on trying to educate people so they don't smoke/become obese in the first place. Yes, there's a moral obligation to treat people because that's the the NHS does, but there'd be a lot less strain on resources if people didn't get into those conditions in the first place.
Yea true and poor people, cull them as well because, well, they don't contribute to monies en stuff and most of them are fat and smell of security guards said.
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