Tried to build my biggest-ever city yesterday. Massively modded, I was gunning for size and population over looking pretty... until I hit the road limit. Couldn't even connect highway to the grid.
That was a waste of an afternoon!
I forget the name of the mod (someone linked it on here) but I'm pretty sure you can tinker to have higher educated workers take industry Jobs
Road limit?
Apparently so! It was a truly ridiculous city, to be honest. Even if it had worked, it would've most likely crashed...
I think pre-existing highways aren't counted in the limits- seems to be just stuff I add myself.
It was. Tried to fill half a full 81-tile map with a grid system, just for fun. Could still build the default highway ramps, interchanges etc, but no plain roads, no roundabouts or any other premade road asset!
I've made a few thumping cities on here (biggest had about 700,000 residents, and single-figure framerates at times) but never hit a limit before.
I think pre-existing highways aren't counted in the limits- seems to be just stuff I add myself.
I'm having a bit of a problem- my commercial uses are complaining that there are not enough goods being delivered. I don't have much industrial land as everyone is too educated for it and they complain about not enough workers and they close down. I even made a new isolated town on the other side of my map with no school but educated people moved in so I still can't get much industry going.
I'm going to buy the new expansion as a payday treat, what day is it released I'm paid on the 23rd. I heard that to get a mix of educated people and non you need more mixture of the different residential (low/medium) is this true?