As mentioned before your progressing cities development is forcing you to the workshop to remain as close to the theme as possible. The HDR choices on vanilla would not complement your map and look at odds. Sort of wish that this game had medium density residential
The BD Easter egg must be too subtle for me
Looked for billboards, diners or signs etc, meh I'm hopeless, lol.
EDIT Spoiler for egg.....
The car wash .!
Progressing nicely there
@Begbie did you sort out that strange traffic issue.? I have seen something similar where each vehicle in turn mysteriously seems to jam their brakes on for a pause and then go again, causing traffic jams. IIRC just deleting that section of road, then rebuilding, and then deleting all traffic to start it again usually sorted it.
Deleting it wasn't working, I'd removed sooo much road.
I read the TMPE manual trying to find something on their. I turned on the A.I features there (along with the parking which I never knew about) and bam all of a sudden cars are behaving like expected. My traffic elsewhere also improved. Cars moving lanes properly.
If you've not turned it on, it's per save so needs done in game not in the main menu, do so!
Nice work @BUDFORCE I had literally made something very similar the other day. Two similar blocks, then used move it to duplicate it and turn it around added in some roads and boom a up market little residential area.