Absolutely epic mate, amazing work. Can I ask what how many lanes the majority of your roads are, because at that size, it must be hell in there.
I thought about using solidworks but then from past experience the stl files have so many triangles, as you would expect from cad. I figured I can't be bothered to fix it for a game. Best to design it ground up with few polygons. Given the nature of what I'm making, no curves etc, it's not going to have many.
Still, parametric modelling is more suited to buildings and I get fussy if dimensions etc don't match. Was a bit of a fiddle in Blender, but then I got some cad addons for it. Made the job so much easier.
I usually use gimp to get dimensions from drawings. Again, I'm fussy about everything being perfect haha.
My baby so far:
My baby so far:
I'd love to have the time to sit and learn 3DSMAX again, but its been 15 years since I could call myself proficient! I learned a little SW over the course of the past couple of years during my current degree, so I felt it was a good starting point. I'm sure I could make a more 'tri' efficient model in 3DSMAX if I spent the time, but SW makes it so easy.
Also, I partly did the model as an exercise to see how accurate I could make it. There are curves and details where there need not be. The curve under the canopy and the overhangs of the tiers...
...which would never be seen in game.
I reckon I could half it if necessary. Let's face it, for a unique/monument building, even 12k wont break a reasonable computer.
I can't skin to save myself tho!
Whats the point/advantage of districts btw?
im just real desperate for freinds mate
Well finally picked this up thanks to Joelk2, started my first city sorta following the starter guide for Industrial coffee filter layout as a way to separate industrial and commuter traffic. so be working well so far and im off to a smooth start.
Im back to my SimCity 4 addiction of tweaking sliders and monitoring income and ive only started
Btw for those interested heres the basic premise of the coffee filter
*a note on the purchase Sharp & many others did with me, its all above board and done via the members market, the mods are well aware of my thread*
i started my first city last night also, and on that note i finished my first city too.
can someone help with with the basics of electricity and water? do i need to lay pipes and the power lines?
ive got a noob simcity head on and with that you just plonk a water tower/electricity place down and its all good. but i noticed power lines and pipes on this