Has anyone had any luck unlocking the Arc de Triomphe? Requires ' 15,000 children in elementary schools'.
I've gone against reason and over 10yrs ive gone from 2.3 avg education with 51k population, disabled all education buildings and got to 1.2 avg with 100k. I've done this with the intention of dumbing down the population so i can force a new generation through the education system and have as many people in school at once.
I have 45% of my 100k pop with no education, that means only 10% of them are bothering.
Its basically killed off my city, cos they're at 45/4/4/47% (uned/1/2/3) and my employment dumped from a 15yr steady 97% to sub-60% in about 5yr, cos people are either uneducated or highly educated.
I've gone against reason and over 10yrs ive gone from 2.3 avg education with 51k population, disabled all education buildings and got to 1.2 avg with 100k. I've done this with the intention of dumbing down the population so i can force a new generation through the education system and have as many people in school at once.
I have 45% of my 100k pop with no education, that means only 10% of them are bothering.
Its basically killed off my city, cos they're at 45/4/4/47% (uned/1/2/3) and my employment dumped from a 15yr steady 97% to sub-60% in about 5yr, cos people are either uneducated or highly educated.