Cities: Skylines

I had the same issue with mine too, you need lots of generic industry to supply goods to commercial as there's a limit to the amount of goods your city can import (I found this out by replacing all my industry with office zones and it nearly killed the city).

Industry buildings won't upgrade unless they are functioning, and won't function unless they have the right staff. Level 1 industry depends on uneducated people to work and won't take many over educated people, once it gets to level 3 the staff work/education balance is fine for a developed city. Basically your educated citizens don't want to work in the mill, but the mill won't upgrade unless it's already working.

To build more industry areas, zone the area, make sure it has services and entertainment, good transport links (2 bus routes to anywhere and rail/tube), also cargo train terminal too if your city supports it. To populate it you'll need to de-zone a large chunk of residential then re-zone it again, essentially kicking out educated people from your city and replacing them with uneducated who will migrate back with the new development.

This new lower class will then work in your industry at level1, allowing it to develop to level 3 where the educated will want to work.

I've tried building shanty towns (residential with no services) to try and keep an uneducated workforce for all new industry developments but somehow they still manage to send their kids to school.
I just bought this game, it's so addictive, but my poor old PC is not up to running it at any higher settings than Low at the moment, particularly as my city is now 90,000+.

What kind of systems are people running this game on to achieve High detail with high populations/city sizes?
At about 150k population I struggle to run on x3 speed, at x1 & x2 I can at high details.

My GTX 780 is holding it's own, it holds 60fps well but the custom fan profile I have ramps up lots, luckily I play with a headset and music on.

I've seen youtubers with 970s struggle around 150k pop on max detail with lots of custom assets, might be because they are also streaming though.
At about 150k population I struggle to run on x3 speed, at x1 & x2 I can at high details.

My GTX 780 is holding it's own, it holds 60fps well but the custom fan profile I have ramps up lots, luckily I play with a headset and music on.

I've seen youtubers with 970s struggle around 150k pop on max detail with lots of custom assets, might be because they are also streaming though.

OK, that's not so bad then.

I have recently been eyeing up the 980ti - as I thought this was probably going to be needed for a high pop city (on 25 tiles). I still might go for one anyway....
my 780 seems to be coping fine, not noticed the fans spinning up excessively, intact seem pretty quiet compared to when playing other games. I have the reference 780 and stock 2500k. Just surpassed 200K population tonight.

It seems that when you buy/place the high interest tower, your income skyrockets for several months then slowly tapers off. Nice useful cash injection saw me rack up 1.5 million in about 15 minutes. Would take me about an hour usually to save up that!
How the hell do I increase crime and unemployment so I can get the achievements?

I've tried deleting most services aswell as unzoning all commercial and industrial. But yet unemployment and crime are still only in the 20's?

Also trying to make them unhappy is hard also, they're pleased at everything ha.
Set district policy to legalise "recreational activities" I think. The smiley face with the crazy hair in the policy thing.

Not totally sure as I didn't do that one.
How the hell do I increase crime and unemployment so I can get the achievements?

I've tried deleting most services aswell as unzoning all commercial and industrial. But yet unemployment and crime are still only in the 20's?

Also trying to make them unhappy is hard also, they're pleased at everything ha.

It's pretty easy, but you won't be able to do it in an established save - as you've noticed it's pretty hard to make people *that* unhappy... So start up a new city and follow these sort of steps:

* Keep it as small as possible
* NO education at all
* Put in basic services, but turn them all OFF (read below)

The issue is if you let certain problems become too bad the buildings will simply abandon, and that is a bad thing as an abandoned building is equal to a building which doesn't have a crime/unemployment/etc problem (i.e. it's not contributing to the %)

So stick the game on fast speed and keep a careful eye on things - when the "need" bubble for something is in the red those buildings are in danger of abandoning - at this point you should turn on the relevant service but only for just enough time to sort out the problem...

Keep the tab of the objective you're going for open so you can carefully monitor the percentage you're trying to maintain - once you get a feel for it you should be able to switch things on and off to keep it where you need

Hope that helps somehow, it's pretty much what I did - remember to quicksave now and again so you can recover if you make a mistake
The crime one was very difficult and it can destroy your city if you don't have enough funds to maintain running your city with no income at all. You don't want to de-zone areas, you want them abandoned as empty buildings boost crime. Turn off all service and parks (probably easier than deleting them all) including transport, make sure rubbish is not collected, no education etc. Once the bodies, traffic and trash piles up people will start to leave and all that's left is those causing crime because they're living in such awful conditions. Demolish new/populated buildings / up the tax rate a bit if you still have too many nice people.

You'll need probably a decade's worth of cash on hand as the re-build process is also slow, de-zone most of your unwanted areas and slowly turn on services as your population grows again.

edit: you'll still need some population and as said above an abandoned building doesn't add to your statistics, it just makes the rest of the world unhappy for those who are still living there. It's easier to manage on a smaller city so probably de-zone if it is too large. I'd follow the post above as it looks safer than the way I did it.
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I'd follow the post above as it looks safer than the way I did it.

I tried to do all the objectives and achievements in the same first city I built, but these ones (especially the crime + unemployment) were too difficult that way... I would usually completely bankrupt myself before I managed to maintain things for long enough, and either way the city would have a lot of trouble recovering
I've managed all apart from Earth loving (no pollution) and happy town (95% happy for 5 years), the rest were all done on the same city. The 40% crime rate I tried when I already had 70k population. It cost 6m to achieve that one due to the size of the city.
Really should give this another bash. Any mods I should be using that improve on the vanilla without breaking it?

Jesus, there are loasa dude.

25 Unlockable tiles
No more brown polution
Improved AI
Infinite Oil & Ore
Enhanced Zoom
Terraform Tool 0.8
Automatic Bulldoze
Automatic Emptying
Fill The Houses
Extended Road Upgrade

These are my go to mods for CS at the moment but I run a lot more. Think I have around 300 workshop subscriptions, mods/buildings/intersections etc.

You can download them and chose to use them, in game you can turn them on/off for each individual asset/mod.
I'll be about, currently rampaging on Rocket League but will help with CS, so many things to build and do in this game now.

Tunnels are epic! Underground road junctions even more so, 6 way underground highway interchanges rule my world!
I did see rocket league... looks interesting... will see how i feel about a purchase when i hear you gushing about it later :p

Anyway I need to come own you with my superior building and city planning in CS :D;):p
Managed to do quite a few achievements, still hate them because they reward you for sucking at the game basically but anyways, only two I have left are earthloving city, just started a new city to get this and got to 5,000 population and the game kept throwing error screens up, every time I clicked ok another immediately popped up again meaning I couldn't do anything. Game hadn't crashed and I could see it still running greyed out in the background. So had to task manager it and will try again tomorrow.

Only other one I have to do is tough city, which is gonna be a toughy no doubt. It was hard enough getting a 40% crime rate to last 6 weeks to unlock the court house so how the hell am I supposed to maintain it for 2 years!!? Unless I've misunderstood the achievement description wrong.
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