Cities: Skylines

So ive not played since near launch! I seemed to continually hit a brick wall of really bad taffic flow etc and just restart and try again

Whats changed since then? Are there new ways of dealing with traffic etc? Loved the game and wanted to get further
Anyone know if some of the traffic issues have been fixed or if there are good mods.

I love this game, especially traffic, but some of the behavior is doing my head in.
Lane choice, nobody in real life stands still for a mile on the left lane when there are 4 lanes free, or at least 1 extra lane that goes in the same direction.

Why, just why on this highway:




Why here, there are 3 effin turning lanes:

Also, what the hell can I do against train jams:


Why are there cars in my pedestrian zones? I had to replace most rail crossings with viaducts or tunnels because I was getting congestion there due to the train congestion:

Why do you sit in a jam to the left train station, but ignore the right one:

Behavior like this is doing my head in.

Downtown area, most ''congestion'' is due to retarded lane choice, not lack of capacity, and the ''railway'' which can't cope with 1 train line and a few goods trains :rolleyes: :

Overall view:

Highways ''congestion'' is purely retarded lane choice.
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Lane choice I think it depends on their ultimate destination / turn off. If they aren't turning for example they stay over and if they're passing a slip they'll leave room for joiners. I think.

The station one I don't think is an issue persay, it'll just depend which station is getting the deliveries.

Train jams are a bit more complicated. Is your network a loop? Do you mix internal and external tracks? Try and keep the external trains separate if you can.
That I know, but it's not representative to real traffic. I'm hoping there's a mod that fixes traffic lane behavior to a more realistic one.

I've been experimenting in a different city, and there's no real advantage over using 5 lane highways over two lane ones... Same with wide city roads. 1x2 lanes is ok, but they go full retard mode from 2x2 and upwards. 2x3 and 2x4 are really inefficient, as are one way roads with more than 2 lanes, only makes sense using them just before junctions for the ''turning lanes''.
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Some of the things you're complaining about, the last one for example, is exactly how they should behave, theres 1 lane in, expecting them to use both lanes when they all need to turn off would otherwise block 2 lanes just as much, and IF that left lane was being used, your want would block them in.

The other stuff is bad AI routing.
There are planning solutions that help, but its a deeper issue that i dont think mods can fix.
They're picking a lane which isnt purely based on the next corner, but their whole route, and simply using a 6-lane road isnt going to change that. If they're going to turn left-left, then they'll use the inside lane because they'll need to be on the inside for the next corner. If you understand why the AI is pathing that way then you can plan around it, they're not constantly thinking and reacting, they're given a route and thats it - it'd be nice if the AI could recognise if theres 2 equally valid lanes and randomly pick one for that pathing, but i'd bet it'd be flawed even then, and live pathing... performance grinds to a halt around 200k pop, imagine if they were calculating that traffic constantly.

The best thing to do is understand AI thinking, and build in a manner that helps them, not ignore it and think more lanes should fix it, lanes arent the issue. If fact, you'll even find fewer lanes can improve things, especially on the lesser used routes.
@snowdog It has been a long time since I played this game but when I did I did have some success in helping with traffic management by using....

and perhaps useful....

I can't remember much of the detail now but when using the larger lane highways it is how they "end and exit" into smaller lanes / roads which help when the Sims are using their cars as to which lane they choose. Sometimes selecting a highway isn't always appropriate as it just becomes heavily congested, especially if they all want to use the same exit lane at the other end.

Watch the couple of videos of the first mod on the Steam page.
You wont get anything thats 'representative to real traffic' when talking about thousands of vehicle calculations on top of everything else a game needs to think about.

My main PC is screwed so cant doodle a diagram of how the pathing works, though im sure if you googled you'd fine info. Understand the AI, understand some of the example solutions people have come up with for equal lane distribution, and you'll be in a much better position.
Wider lanes are still useful, but if you're using them thinking more lanes = more options so it must fix it, you'd be wrong. Using the wrong types of roads can be a big problem, if you have a 3-lane and 90% of the traffic is turning left, then it'd help you a lot if the road for right (or straight/right+straight) isnt also a 3-lane, because it'll equally distribute the lanes - 1.5 left, 1.5 right. If you do a 3-lane going left, and 1-lane going right, then it'll distribute them 2 left, 1 right. Understanding how it works is the best thing you can do.
Anyone still play this currently? I have been dabbling in map making and designing smaller towns on maps instead of going for a massive city. Utilising assets from the Steam Workshop you can make some real nice towns. I have been following this collaboration between 3 very good C:S Youtubers. The level of detail in the map and the small towns, water works etc is outstanding.

It has sort of made me think if there are members here who are willing to take part in our very own OcUk collaboration in C:S? I can imagine it could work and I am sure there are some good designers here who could make our towns look amazing.

Anyone up for a challenge?:)
I got this game at launch....dabbled in it, but then got into other stuff

have just gotten back into this, after watching a stream on twitch...and woah, has it come on.

so much good stuff on the steam workshop, and it works reasonably well with a steam controller....happy days !
Yeah. Mindblowing really. I downloaded the map and the theme they used and tried to, not replicate it but do a similar thing. Small towns and service areas etc with the emphasis on design and life like layouts etc. I never really did anything to scare those three builders though.:p

They are very good at what they do. Iirc one of them, maybe Freshpopcorn is a designers by trade, possibly in construction or something along the lines of city work not sure.
Finally got this myself yesterday, been feeling the need for some sim city type can't wait to get stuck into it tonight.

Are there any must have mods or anything people recommend to get me going?

I would strongly suggest getting a feel for the Vanilla game first and then taking a look in the workshop at the top rated mods and decide from there. Some people still prefer the Vanilla experience whilst others will only play with certain mods. A bit like any other game really.
Unless you know how it plays from vanilla you will not appreciate those differences a mod can bring.

does this game work on macs or just windows?

From what I understand it is for Windows, OSX. Linux and has just been released for the Xbox One.
I got the recycling centre mod which I really like for helping control trash and it's more realistic.

I've just hit the metropolis level (75k?) are there any more map expansions after this point?
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