Cities: Skylines

Spec wise, what are people running for reasonable populations?

I'm approaching 30k and my i7-2600k is running a constant 30-40% and my Ati 7850 is 80-100%.
Getting back into this game, so much nicer @ 100hz!

But what is the point of trains aside from outside connections? seems the metro is better in nearly every way as a people mover? Or is there a specific function I am missing?
Well it looks cool with trains travelling across your city :D

I usually build several lines with a train station in every major district to connect everything and then shuttle local people to the train using bus and metro. Don't connect them to the outside tracks though else your rail can end up being blocked by those pesky red trains. I always have full trains as it's faster for them to travel to the other side of the map by train instead of bus or rail. Metro could probably do the same but they can't hold as many passengers, and it doesn't look as cool.
Hah, that's what I got them for now, look pretty awesome. They seem to be doing a decent job of bringing tourists in so will keep them, but as a city mover, not many people using the lines!
I started a new city using grids only for max population. 120k over 3 tiles so far so not doing too bad running vanilla + after dark and no other mods. I use highways for roundabouts on busy junctions because of the lane usage and it's much quicker.
Had this game for about 6-9 month and never got round to trying, just did and oh my what a game! Just lost three hours of my life and really got into making a nice little town of just shy of 5k souls (so far!)

Great game, wish I had played earlier :)
Slight thread necro, stopped playing for a while and just getting back into this, quick question I'm having an issue where my industrial zones cannot seem to get enough works and are always closing.

Any idea why this is happening?
No enough citizens? Traffic into and out of industrial area jammed up? Transport links from resi to indy not effective?

I generally create a subsidiary 'slum' residential area directly adjacent to and patched into each industrial zone to feed it workers.
I have enough citizens. There does not seem to be any obvious traffic snarls (learnt from my first few attempts :p) only thing I can imagine is transport links in and out. I have public transport but it is fairly isolated to keep the pollution sequestered away from the rest of the city. I think I'll look into a high density residential district close by with easy access. Does education play a part? I now have a lot of office zones and I'm wondering do I need uneducated citizens to fill industry jobs or will anyone take them?
Dedicated transport railway (separate from external links and maybe even transport links too) that can move produce away from industrial to areas needing it might help.
How big an industrial zone are you making, if you try and make it too big straight away the supply and demand is all screwy and a big chunky of buildings will close.
Does education play a part? I now have a lot of office zones and I'm wondering do I need uneducated citizens to fill industry jobs or will anyone take them?

Yeah you need stupid citizens at first hence the "slum". Build resi up quickly to high density and give them medical (lots of), fire and police but barely any education past primary and you should be good to go. Once your industry steps up a notch you can start to bring in people from better educated areas by train/tube and eventually bulldoze the slum completely. Poor little sims :)
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I also keep industrial areas small but many and quite widespread based on available resources each with their own slum using zone specialisation. This way you control traffic to a degree, its easier to manage from a distance (woodcutting, oil production, mining etc), pollution is less prolific in one area and each slum can be managed better with fewer civic resources.

The golden rule of this game is give yourself plenty of room in every area all the time and don't build everything jammed together like SimCity taught you. Think ahead to bringing in more advanced and larger transport links in future.
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I just do away with most industrial tbh and go for office zones with well educated workers.

The little industrial I do have left usually has overeducated workers so it tells me, but it doesn't actually effect the running of it.
I ended up putting slums on a new oil zone (only just work out how to specialist industry :p) and ended up killing the health of my workers :p some tweaks needed but it certainly solves employment problems!
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