Cities: Skylines

My main city is hovering around 40,000 people at the moment and my money is as good as unlimited now. I'm swimming in it.

Yeah i can do that quite easy, but seems a waste to just farm money then smash everything down to rebuild you know.

Might jump back on this tbh!

Now this thread has gained more life i'l start building my city and posting some screenshots!

Anybody got some screenies of theirs?
Literally, first time I've played this after a couple of trial runs last night.


SO hard to try and plan anything decent....Anyone follow any guides or anything? Hard to know how to progress.
I'd avoid the guides for now. Many of them seem slightly obsessive and say you must-do-this must-do-that. You are better responding to the demands in your city for schools, industrial zones or whatever for the time being while you learn how to use all the tools.

Don't be afraid to delete stuff. Often trying to fix a problem like a congested road, just leads to an ever more complicated and confusing problem.
The only thing I would say about the screenshot is the access to your city, ideally you need to leave a stretch of road from the motorway before branching into the city. The junction as it is will soon jam up.
The only thing I would say about the screenshot is the access to your city, ideally you need to leave a stretch of road from the motorway before branching into the city. The junction as it is will soon jam up.

A ring road per each map section is must...
Do not expand to second zone until you have build an elevated ringroad around.
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Can you please elaborate on this.

I just cant get to grips with the traffic as soon as my city hits 25k its total gridlock

the game spans in multiple maps. Do not move to second until all problems of first are resolved.
When you find the optimal income, slow expansion gather money and build an elevated ring road around the segment.
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Yeah I gave up on that last one and ha e started a second map, it appears to be panning out a lot better :)

Can waste hours of time on this it's scary :D

As for elevated roads, that's fine, I just find it difficult to go from say a 6 lane road Down to a 4 lane etc..... Saying that, I've amended a few roads so they don't have traffic lights and joining roads need to give way, works wonders.
Latest effort:

Just reached the point I can create high-rise residential, intending to build them up in one specific area of the map for now.

Traffic seems to be flowing better now too, tunnel for vehicles helped there a lot :)
I really should re-install this game. I love it but always feel depressed when I see the likes of Fresh popcorn and other designs
Likewise, I love playing it, but I invariably find that I hit a "success" point, in that I'm making loads of $$ and my city is ticking over, and that for me is when I then get bored.
Likewise, I love playing it, but I invariably find that I hit a "success" point, in that I'm making loads of $$ and my city is ticking over, and that for me is when I then get bored.

Then you must expand! :D

Guess I'm lucky, had the game under a week....put 20 hours in so far mind :D

Just figured out I can empty my landfill sites into my incinerators! doh!
Is there a campign-like mod for this game? I've had it for ages but I dislike the lack of progression and that the ingame economy is disconnected from the player's funds.
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