civikl rights for a peaceful protest gone in this country

lol 20 then yes but not 1000, if it gets to much police will back down, go watch some old british riots.

we were on about 1000 rioting, not 1000 all with the sole aim of murdering the police, theres a massive different.

Why watch the old riots? Whats the matter with the new ones? Is it because theres hardly been any that 'kick off' worse than the police can handle?

If the police are up for it they'll squash a concentrated riot easy enough, providing its actually a riot and not an organised battle.
we were on about 1000 rioting, not 1000 all with the sole aim of murdering the police, theres a massive different.

Why watch the old riots? Whats the matter with the new ones? Is it because theres hardly been any that 'kick off' worse than the police can handle?

If the police are up for it they'll squash a concentrated riot easy enough, providing its actually a riot and not an organised battle.

Because this and other governments have installed fear to most people in this/other country.
you're a proper wierdo, do you know that?

Im sure its more likely the fact that if you riot and cause aload of **** you'll be indentified from CCTV and get slapped down hard for it, and so you should.
You're incredibly paranoid and naive.
you're a proper wierdo, do you know that?

Im sure its more likely the fact that if you riot and cause aload of **** you'll be indentified from CCTV and get slapped down hard for it, and so you should.
You're incredibly paranoid and naive.

I could say the same about you really naive you believe everything this government tells you, incredible, well they have adapted the education system from creative thinking to more of a follow the leader thinking patterns.
the education system from creative thinking to follow your leader?? where did that come from?
Did you ever pursue further education? Im sure my further education was generally a case of do what I want aslong as it showcased skills and effort.
I dont believe what the government tells me, im educated enough to know what they tell me is generally all lies and spin, like every government, whats the point in crying over it, get on with your life, stuff goes wrong, theres going to be a more watchful eye kept on the banks and what not now, mistakes are made, mistakes are rectified.
Are you serious? So many are scared of the Government?

I don't think it's that... People just couldn't give a ****, infact, many of us would rather go to work and live out our own lives, instead of pretending we're making a difference.

Can I borrow one of your tin foil hats and some conspiracy goggles? The powers that be are leeching my brain waves and clouding my judgement.
the education system from creative thinking to follow your leader?? where did that come from?
Did you ever pursue further education? Im sure my further education was generally a case of do what I want aslong as it showcased skills and effort.
I dont believe what the government tells me, im educated enough to know what they tell me is generally all lies and spin, like every government, whats the point in crying over it, get on with your life, stuff goes wrong, theres going to be a more watchful eye kept on the banks and what not now, mistakes are made, mistakes are rectified.

Oh dear, you really think these mistakes will be rectified? have a look at banking history its always the same crap, when the housing market was over heating did teh government step in ? NO.
because you went onto further education makes you some how intelligent?
George W. Bush went to yale etc yet his IQ was reported to be between high 80s and 91.
Educated and intelligence are two seperate things, Id class myself as educated to an extent, and also intelligent to an extent of being able to say educated and intelligent, actually.

Well if its always been the same crap why cant you just stop whinging and get on with your life, its part of the circle of life clearly then isnt it.

George W. Bush went to yale, wonderful, I went to a crap uni, couldnt be bothered, yet im doing something which requires a somewhat greater than average aptitude.
Now back to the point, we all think you're wierd.
Get on with your life, whats the point in living if you're going to stress about the inevitable, enjoy what you can, not everything will go how you want it, tough.
Educated and intelligence are two seperate things, Id class myself as educated to an extent, and also intelligent to an extent of being able to say educated and intelligent, actually.

Well if its always been the same crap why cant you just stop whinging and get on with your life, its part of the circle of life clearly then isnt it.

George W. Bush went to yale, wonderful, I went to a crap uni, couldnt be bothered, yet im doing something which requires a somewhat greater than average aptitude.
Now back to the point, we all think you're wierd.
Get on with your life, whats the point in living if you're going to stress about the inevitable, enjoy what you can, not everything will go how you want it, tough.

Well its people that care about how things are done that allow people like you to think about enjoying life? and who says i dont enjoy life?
I really think some of you really need to work out what life is really about, mostly about controlling others always has always will, taking advantage of groups etc... if no one cared do you really think you'll have your western lifestyle? wake up smell the damn coffee.
I really think some of you really need to work out what life is really about, mostly about controlling others always has always will, taking advantage of groups etc... if no one cared do you really think you'll have your western lifestyle? wake up smell the damn coffee.

I think your outrage is extremely disproportionate to the scenario. The coffee is very tasty, thank you.
"Go back to sleep America! Shut up and watch this!"

Agreed that in this instance the reaction is disproportionate, but let's not forget that fundamentally, coffee is a very bitter bean.
Can we arrange an OcUK protest against matheman and other 'peaceful' protesters? We could have a forum sit-in at a set time and ceiling cat could come too.
As for not having a civil right to peaceful protest, I found that I was quite free to do so in January last year when over 22,000 police officers protested to Parliament.

The only intelligence their was of potential problems were anti-capitalist and arachist groups wanting to disrupt it, much like the minority who spoil lawful protest for the majority at events such as G20.
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