civikl rights for a peaceful protest gone in this country

if you were that bothered youd at least write something about what your protesting about, to get others on here involved, but no youve gone on a rant about police which no one wants to hear.

it doesnt really matter what people protest about, what really matters is the right to a peaceful protest and not rounded up ,locked up against your will like in some 3rd world countries which is important here.
Yes ive sent a letter to my local MP, came back with some crap etc.....
Good for you.

One thing that irks me is that people post on here all the time moaning about the Government and how they want change. Why don't people write to their MPs instead?

It might not change anything directly, but how can they hear your voice if you don't speak?
Yes they did we were supposed to march and they didnt allow us.

Tough. :D

Perhaps if you'd asked permission from the police in advance for a marching route, they would have made the necessary arrangements, that's what happens here in Northern Ireland for all the marching bands, and it generally works quite well.

But seeing as no-one bothered....well....who's to blame there then?
yes, nothing would really happen as banks are seperated into different companies.

You are obviously well educated on this situation and have formed an opinion while considering the consequences! I will change my opinion of the majority of protesters from now on.

Many thanks for enlightenment.
Yes they did we were supposed to march and they didnt allow us.
But, unless I was seeing things, there was a pretty big protest going on wasn't there?

Christ, protestors these days are a bunch of whiney pussies, if keeping you in an area is enough to cry about losing the right to protest I'd hate to see what would happen in other countries less tolerant than ours, you'd probably go crying to mummy if the police gave you a whack round the ear :p
7 hours locked up in a large group unable to leave, took a dump at bank underground station, police wouldn’t let us out, they were taking peoples names, address and photos.

What a disgrace treating people worse than cattle grabbing people that refused to allow them to take their photos, like common criminals holding their hands behind their back to take photos, going into their pockets taking details such as credit card numbers and the name on the credit/debt cards.

Looks like we have lost our right to protest in this country.

I actually laughed a bit... is that wrong?
You got a peaceful protest, and the police made sure it didn't get out of hand.

I don't see the problem.

It wasnt peaceful, people were pushing and shoving trying to gain a little space while the police were pushing up back, it felt like being in a compact scrap machine. It then got to the point were people started to throw empty plastic bottles because of this, at one point in the evening after hours unable to sit down people were getting restless and were planing a massive rush around 6 pm.
yes, nothing would really happen as banks are seperated into different companies.

I'm sorry, but what education exactly do you have on the issue? You're making yourself look like a complete tool, and for the benefit for the right to protest without the stigma attached (which morons on here are throwing around like it's free); I would rather you didn't.
I think the police did what was right and necessary to keep rioting to a minimum by breaking up the protesters into smaller groups. It makes it more likely to be a peaceful process and makes it easier for them to keep tabs on what is going on.

If a police officer asks you for identification you have to provide it and unless you can prove otherwise, I'll assume those who had their pockets turned out would have previously refused to provide identification. It's not a breach of rights as far as I can see.
Tough. :D

Perhaps if you'd asked permission from the police in advance for a marching route, they would have made the necessary arrangements, that's what happens here in Northern Ireland for all the marching bands, and it generally works quite well.

But seeing as no-one bothered....well....who's to blame there then?

There was a route planned the police new of this.
What "crap" did your MP come back with exactly?

The problem, sir, is that perfect "peaceful protests" don't really exist. If you were there I'm sure you saw what I saw on the news. People smashing up property, people getting violent.
Peaceful protest? RBS office looted and vandalised, Tesco almost looted.

Ok, RBS I can understand (actually, I don't understand mindless thuggery), but Tesco? That just shows the mentality of most of the protesters who were there.
It wasnt peaceful, people were pushing and shoving trying to gain a little space while the police were pushing up back, it felt like being in a compact scrap machine. It then got to the point were people started to throw empty plastic bottles because of this, at one point in the evening after hours unable to sit down people were getting restless and were planing a massive rush around 6 pm.

What protest were you at? BoE?
LOL the governments must be crying with laughter if you're an example of an average protestor, can't even handle being in a crowd which is barely a fraction of what you'd get at your standard summer festival :p

But they stepped on mah toes :mad: Wanna go home :cries:
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