civikl rights for a peaceful protest gone in this country

Our government is better than most, i'd rather labour than conservatives, what have we got then, a load of old boring middle class racist **** pots from priveliged backgrounds who care only about money.
The day lib dems gets in is the day i'm down the pub screaming "WAHEY!" and generally celebrating, they know what they're doing.

It's about how you treat the people, not how you control the people.

Labour and the cons are the same, just look at the backgrounds of labour its almost the same as the cons.
The fact that police effectively kept people against there will could be argued as false imprisonment, as for taking photos and details of everyone when they finally let people go is totally unacceptable, it is reported that those who refused were arrested, last time i checked this was a free country

but there are laws placed that allow them to do this, ie the laws that were bypassed and hidden from the public passed i think it was teh start of this year or end of last year.
Ok, you seem like someone determined so I'm going to ask you this.

What do you believe was the reason why the credit crisis occurred? Not the recession, but the credit crisis. They are two different things btw.

I only need a few lines, I'm not expecting a full economics answer like what would be expected of me in my degree.

The credit crisis occured because too much money nowhere to really invest it, investors and speculators needed to find a home for there extra cash at the time there was too much cash in the system and no where to go, so they piled into ABS. inorder to keep this exotic financial products going they needed consumers to borrow, mortgage products taken out by consumers creating a housing boom feeding the ABS in this case a branch of ABS called MBS, banks were making profits not from the mortgage itself but from the fees, freeing up capital to lend out again in the form of mortgages but also other froms of consumer debt like credit cards. packing them into tranches bad debt with good debt inorder to sell them at AAA ratings to ofload them quicker.
Economics is all about finance how and companies structure. I'm studying it. The severity of just letting commecial banks do what they wish and not give them money when they are about to go bust would be highly stupid to say the least. Not only would it go agaisn't every main government economic objective, it would also put our economy at rock bottom, turn our country and indeed many others into termoil and finally, turn this recession into a slump.

Economics is about how resources are used not about how companies are structure.
I'm not one to blow my own trumpet but I bet I have a far better idea on the bailout of the banks than you do.

I just spent the past 13 weeks at University studying it for my third year, comparing it to previous crisis' such as East Asian 5 (EA5) and being examined on it. I also had to know a great deal about it to answer questions at a partner interview to get a job with a Big Four accounting firm last summer so I've been following closely for a while.

I just don't understand how you can protest against something you know little about. You might read the odd newspaper article or some things people have posted on your protest websites and believe that but you're not understanding, your just skimming. The financial system that caused the current situation is much more complex than you think.

Here's a brief overview.

If you study it then you know who got conned, and if you studied that then you should know who has the most open economy.
Your average business and a bank is totally different. This concept may work for a retailer for and example but not for a bank.

It works for a bank also, just that the difference between the bank and a business banks dont like to off load main parts of there business. they like to have their cake and eat it.
Rubbish. If a bank goes bust a new bank cannot just simply appear on the scene. For starters, people with mortgages with the banks etc are gonig to be left, if you compare to impact of these things simply to the economic objectives you will find they all have a negative effect. I think the top economists in our country which influenced the governemnets decision on teh matter have a better understanding than you, who can't grasp the concept that letting banks go on their own accord is bad.

Yes it can if it has a certain amount of capital in it reserve set by government regulators. mortgages dont disappear they get pass over to other financial firms based on auctions, which pays towards the banks creditors. Even you local council is registered as a company but i guess you didnt know that.
Are you being serious?
You don't like the government giving established banks money but you would be happy for the government to give money to a new bank instead?

And mortgages being sold on, thats one of the problems that led to the current situation

No its not, this is different to what they were doing, when a mortgage goes to auction, if the home owner knows what tranch its in he can by back his own mortage at a reduce cost.

The bail out would be much smaller and show that hey if you create this mess you'll pay for it.
What the govenment did was pretty stupid, infact it can possibly bankrupt a nation. infact last week m king said the state can't afford another bail out.
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But would you not rather a current bank be kept alive and new policies be implemented by the government about how much a bank can lend? And if i am not mistaken, passing mortgages about willy nilly is how the recession started.

No because the problem isnt with the old MBS its with the new MBS that the bank hasnt sold thats how the august 2007 problem arised. passing on the mortgages via auction would give them a market to market value, which the banks dont want because they know in this current climate they would lose, so the next step was to force governments to lead then the money.
Now not sure if you know this but from aug2007 banks passed their bad mortgage book to the central bank swaped it for bonds, end of last year and now the same bonds were swapped for cash, thats why the BOE have to QE the system, meaning a big hit for most of the population.
So in fact the tax payers have been conned.
I am sorry, you are just another clueless sheep that believes the crap you are fed everyday. Research into world banks, trading blocks, the connection between European, American and other major banks and you will discover that they are all a bunch of corrupt control freaks that bleed the people and resources of the world dry for their own profit.

What a lot of people are failing to grasp is that banks give money to governments, not the other way around. Where do you think the government got the money from in order to bail out the troubled banks, from other banks. Every man, woman and child on this planet is saddled with a burden of debt to pay back the loans governments have made. Our children have a debt problem before they even exist, national debt is just the amount we owe as a country to the loan sharks that are organisations such as the central banks. Jezz, no wonder the world is so ****** up.

Most people dont really understand and they argue based on what they have been told.
My point exactly.Originally Posted by Flukester
i love all these protestors thinking they know better than the people running the worlds economys
Some of us do and can see right through it, i saw this way back in 2004 i could see a massive bubble appearing the housing collapse was meant to start in late 2005 however the BOE lowered rates august 2005 which kickstart the boom again, they knew what they were doing and got it all wrong.
Now they are talking about one world currency, most of us were suggesting that it might happen and everyone else argued against it, i wonder what happend to those that suggested we know nothing etc... keeping quiet are we.
Expand upon that point a little please.
labour is a party for the people by the people its background comes from lower middle class and working class, new labour background is the same background are the cons, public school educated oxford educated so on.
Over the past 10 years who has benefited? big business has not the common worker.
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