civikl rights for a peaceful protest gone in this country

Police round shields do not have a sharp edge. The edge is rounded off so force can be delivered in a smaller surface area but with minimal damage.

As for killing. A fist can kill, a foot can kill as can almost any object you pick up but the primary use of a shield is for defence.

If you you the same force on both ends the thinner end causes hell of a lot of damage.
Why does this thread have to repeat itself? The simple fact of the matter is a small minority have spoiled our freedom to demonstrate.

Every successive G8 meeting in the UK has seen terrible violence, disorder and destruction of private, commercial and public property. There have been countless injuries to peaceful protestors, those themselves intent on rioting, and the police. The very same week of the G20 summit there were rioters setting fire to hotels and businesses in Germany.

The police are charged with maintaining order and protecting the safety of civilians and it's officers. I really wish that things hadn't come to this, but I cannot see how they could have handled potentially very violent situations any better than they did.

The point is they did'nt, they went in heavy handed, and were the cause of the 2 broken windows.
Maybe not. Using the phrase 'kicked off' instead of something like 'a serious riot broke out' certainly doesn't promote your self portrayal as peaceful protestor.


smart guy...

So what has that got to do with the way someone acts? and how do you know what tone i said it in.
i really dont understand why police would not be able to contain it, proper formation... shield + batton and you could easily own 1000 protestors with less than 100 police officers.

no way, sorry they'll get over run, plus the formations they were in some of the police were in the middle with thugs on both sides( because protestors are thugs)
funny enough when you'v got the proper training numbers dont count for anything, they could quite easily fall in and with simple communication could easily control the situation.
You seem to underestimate the effectiveness of a properly trained, equipped and coordinated few against a group of unorganised, objectiveless people.

Numbers do count, dont think they don't.
only morons could get overrun by a bunch of random disorganised fools. it doesnt matter if its 10 to 1 or 20 to 1..

i am not saying anything specific i have no idea what this protest is about or anything, im just saying it is a very easy thing to pull off, whacking people in the head with a baton pretty much takes them out of the equation immediately.

Walls break up, when the person next to you is in trouble, do you help him or stick to the wall? it isnt that simple no amount of training can help you in certain situations.
Having an unorganized group that out number you hell bent on causing you harm is far worse than an orgainised group, of course number count, but once there more on one side than the other your in trouble.
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id hazard a guess that not all 1000 are hell bent on causing you harm, more likely about 20 are, the rest are merely there to make a scene, and are caught up in it, generally trying to damage stuff, and not infact you.

How would the wall break? for starters its a wall of trained and armoured people with shields?
Have you ever been hit with a baton? Id kill double figures with one, thats with barely any training and without a shield too - they are LETHAL when used correctly. If you hit someone with it, they are going down, dead or in agony.

lol 20 then yes but not 1000, if it gets to much police will back down, go watch some old british riots.
we were on about 1000 rioting, not 1000 all with the sole aim of murdering the police, theres a massive different.

Why watch the old riots? Whats the matter with the new ones? Is it because theres hardly been any that 'kick off' worse than the police can handle?

If the police are up for it they'll squash a concentrated riot easy enough, providing its actually a riot and not an organised battle.

Because this and other governments have installed fear to most people in this/other country.
you're a proper wierdo, do you know that?

Im sure its more likely the fact that if you riot and cause aload of **** you'll be indentified from CCTV and get slapped down hard for it, and so you should.
You're incredibly paranoid and naive.

I could say the same about you really naive you believe everything this government tells you, incredible, well they have adapted the education system from creative thinking to more of a follow the leader thinking patterns.
the education system from creative thinking to follow your leader?? where did that come from?
Did you ever pursue further education? Im sure my further education was generally a case of do what I want aslong as it showcased skills and effort.
I dont believe what the government tells me, im educated enough to know what they tell me is generally all lies and spin, like every government, whats the point in crying over it, get on with your life, stuff goes wrong, theres going to be a more watchful eye kept on the banks and what not now, mistakes are made, mistakes are rectified.

Oh dear, you really think these mistakes will be rectified? have a look at banking history its always the same crap, when the housing market was over heating did teh government step in ? NO.
because you went onto further education makes you some how intelligent?
George W. Bush went to yale etc yet his IQ was reported to be between high 80s and 91.
Educated and intelligence are two seperate things, Id class myself as educated to an extent, and also intelligent to an extent of being able to say educated and intelligent, actually.

Well if its always been the same crap why cant you just stop whinging and get on with your life, its part of the circle of life clearly then isnt it.

George W. Bush went to yale, wonderful, I went to a crap uni, couldnt be bothered, yet im doing something which requires a somewhat greater than average aptitude.
Now back to the point, we all think you're wierd.
Get on with your life, whats the point in living if you're going to stress about the inevitable, enjoy what you can, not everything will go how you want it, tough.

Well its people that care about how things are done that allow people like you to think about enjoying life? and who says i dont enjoy life?
I really think some of you really need to work out what life is really about, mostly about controlling others always has always will, taking advantage of groups etc... if no one cared do you really think you'll have your western lifestyle? wake up smell the damn coffee.
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