civikl rights for a peaceful protest gone in this country

This means that you can take part in public protest as long as it does not involve violence against property or persons. That includes rival protestors, objects of your protest or the police.

The point of peaceful protesting is to get a point of view across to as many people as possible. Protests can often get loads of media coverage so more people get to hear about the campaign.

So what is non vilonet direct action?

You can take part in or organise a rally, march or meeting of people. However organisers have to get permission from the police first, stating how many people are expected to turn up, time and place and the route of a march
What are you talking about? You realise that freedom of movement has never been an absolute right? Otherwise I could go sit in your living room.

They have been granted the right to walk through the City, St. James's is closed off and then they'll be in Trafalgar Square shortly
which never happened because they pinned everyone down at 10 am.
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Just another point that has came to my head regarding your arguement to scrap current failing banks and opening new ones. If we did this it would leave many 'skilled' people without a job and therefore, the old bankers would just be employed by the new bank which doesn't solve the problem at all, it mearly is a miosis, a short term fix.

The banking system works a bit differently from normal employment, people that hit their 40s hardly ever get back into banking, its out with the old in with the new. The average age is 31, you be hard press to find any of the workers above the age of 40 in GS if you do they are directors.
And this is one of the short falls of the banking system.
Please, I am far from a 'Grammar Nazi' but if you want people to take your argument seriously or consider your points you need to take a bit more time and construct your argument better. At this point, after a read through the thread, I am leaning between you being a stooge paid for by the government to undermine the protests or a rather intelligent chimpanzee.

Well thx for your productive insight about the banking system et al, i'll be sure to take this up at the next AGM. You have really changed my outlook on the whole banking industry.
Peaceful protests don't actually get any point across to the general public and certainly don't win support, non-peaceful ones do the opposite as we live in a civilised society where it's not tolerated.

You might shout, chant and sing but nobody is listening. As far as I'm concerned anyone in the area around 20 heads of state deserve to be kept in check, even if it does impede their civil liberties.

I'll be honest Mattheman - you haven't done your cause any good with this thread.

The problem seem to be me v all here, people just dont seem to understand, most moan about oh you cost the tax payers money etc... If people didnt protest then who knows were the country may be heading.

Example Nazi Germany people had it good for a while while others had it hard they couldn’t protest etc.. well, then it was to late, wasnt it.
Same as womens voting rights etc..
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To even beging comparing the current state of this country to Nazi Germany is ludicrous and insulting to the people who suffered under Nazi rule. There is simply no comparison. Your protests at the scale they currently are at will not affect the way this country is heading, that is at least of some comfort. I have no objection to protesting but I would expect a suitable alternative to be voiced by the protestors and, as of yet, I have not heard one.

You don’t see it or unable too see it you should read up about it more, our version isn’t so different to the 1st years of a Nazi rule, what you fail too understand this is the same but based on debt slavery. bit by bit they take away the liberties you once had you don’t even notice it at first then they take larger chucks but push out some reason for this you accept it, because the reason sounds good.

You like many others don’t see it your no longer working for yourself but for large corporations, you labour is becoming cheaper yet you don’t see this as the government subsidizes your wages tax credits etc... basic living prices getting more expensive other consumer goods getting cheaper to counter balance it, your taxes being used to run companies that try and not pay taxes by any means possible.

You fail too understand how cheaper house prices means better life for you and your family, 30 years ago you only needed one wage earner to purchase a property now you need 3, you fail to see the slump in social housing construction, during the golden years social housing construction was huge, large scale developments had a positive correlation will the economy.
Now labour have restricted social housing programme, putting pressure on the housing market, you fail too see the correlation between labour politicians and property developers and big business.

You complain about MPs expenses yet you only do from you armchair, but nothing else, you forget about the corrupt postal votes, this goes on, you moan about people protesting and follow the majority labeling them scum etc... social brainwashing. You moan but you accept it you get the government most people deserve, democracy isnt the same as it was 20 years ago.
The OP isn't the smartest and doesn't seem to understand the issues, but he does have some valid points. They were basically imprisoned for 7 hours which I don't agree with. In addition he's right, most of us do sit here and do nothing, let's face it, the lack of government regulation has nearly brought our entire economy back to the depresssion of 1929.

I'm glad there's some uneducated hippies smashing things up, while it appears to achieve nothing, it does emphasise to the government to get it right. If even one politician thinks "blimey I don't want my windows smashed in for getting this regulation wrong" then score one for the hippies.

I'm a classic "tory boy" who spent 10 years working for hedge funds, but even I can't hide my displeasure that the government screwed up. 3 years ago a young guy that was working for me got a £250k second home mortgage, we were paying him £27k, I didn't know if I should laugh or cry.

Chances are I am much smart than yourself, 2nd possible understand them more than yourself really, 3rd you say you work in a hedge fund your industry is part of the problem, hedge funds like Angelo Gordon, BlueMountain, Dillon Read, Renaissance Technologies name but a few.
I'm trying to figure out if you're on drugs or English is your second language (which you should have stated in your original post), I'll give you the beneift of the doubt and say the latter.

Hedge funds just exploited the lack of regulation, like the banking industry who gave out risky mortgages and Mr public who took out a mortgage that they couldn't realistically afford. Which one is more guilty?

I said Hedge funds are part of the problem, I DID not say they were 100% of the problem. Yes the banks, media, governments should take responsibility.
You say, hedge funs exploited regulation, example if you see two guys fighting and a crowd egging them on, which one is worse in your eyes? the hedge fund here is an individual in the crowd.

By the way if you want to start grousing about internet syntax and spelling, in fact I see a spelling mistake and errors.
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People in this country have proven time after time that they just can not be trusted to actually protest peacefully.
I'd rather they were rounded up and treated badly than allow looting and trouble... Might be a few bad apples ruining it for the peaceful majority, but that's the way it goes.

If people wised up, this wouldn't have to happen.

Governments time after time can't be trusted,
so a few bombs in your city one or two and its ok to have marshall law for the rest of you living life? wait even better return to the feudal system thats ok isnt it.

Now whats your point, how the hell do you think you got your freedom today. Bunch of smelly dirty hippies, so when women protested about right too vote they aswell are Bunch of smelly dirty hippies. Grow up man learn protestors etc.. keep many countries in check, otherwise you would be chained up from birth to death working your whole life.
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Protesting doesn't make people hippies, there's plenty to protest about. What the hell is a hippy in this day and age?

I'd really, really like to see the original poster write one single coherent post on this subject instead of repeatedly offering statements that indicate no inkling of knowledge or understanding of what is a complex situation.

I challenge you to sit down and spend 30 minutes writing. Get all of your points down, make your knowledge known. At present all you're doing is repeatedly spouting headlines and quite frankly you're embarrassing yourself.

embarrassing yourself, not really iam not the one that thinks the protest this week was a riot, 2 smashed windows and you all calling this a riot, you guys have no clue what a riot is, if your calling this a riot you all most be fags. I guess the muslim march few weeks ago were riots, they did break a window damaged a car ,throwing cones at police.

The posted was about the treatment, not the why behind the protest, it then vias off, read the whole thread not just start to end, its all there, i said why but trying to explain in different ways why there needs to be a right to protest, someone then asked why i went and what was the reasons, gave them reasons, yet still this wasnt good.

However most of the posts here have been if i were in charge i'd beat the living hell etc...
No matter what your points are, some will keep typing the same crap till it goes of the topic.
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I wanted to type something to this effect, but I realised he was too far gone.

I think the hippy suggestion is more tongue in cheek, if he came on here with a shred of reasoning he would be given more respect. Let us just mock him and call him a hippy for fun. :D

You can't do that most her are ******* retards and have no understand of anything in life, thats why they are losers in debt with no future and always being bu tt fisted by the government.
I don't think many here are arguing with the right to protest or standing up against injustice. The main gripe in this thread, that has been acutely pointed out, is the OP not have any remote idea of why he is doing it or the implications of the policies being taken.

Read the the 1st post, i was moaning about how we were treated, not about the reasons why i went and my ideology etc..

Let me put it in simple terms, THE PROTEST COULD BE BECAUSE OF ANYTHING i hope you got that and understand it. I could be protesting for war, water any thing you got it.

What the OP says " the way people were treated". Do you understand.
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The UK just isn't that place.
I'm not interested in any past terror attacks or why the protests happen. It's the fact that a large amount of people just go to protests to cause trouble, not to "protest".

It's not the 1900's anymore, I don't think the Government/World powers give a **** what people think. They'll carry on regardless.
If protestors want to trash some buildings and cause a large scale "sigh" from everyone else, go and do it, just stop whining if you don't have free run of the city and the law causes some grief.
Only one building was trashed, a window or two broken, what you fail too understand, protest does help to highlight negative issues.
Swearing in the link. Ironically, someone telling a police officer who posted to **** himself.

Assuming the order to clear the camp was lawful and justified, I did not see outright police thuggery in that clip.

At 1:43, a protestor grabs an officer and a baton strike is used which breaks the grip. Is that disproportionate force ?

Many had their hands up and moved back as the police line moved although it was a tight squeeze.

Do you also think that peace camps contain just peaceful protestors ? It is the perfect cover for a minority to ruin it for the majority. Police never have had an issue with lawful protest but such moves against camps, while never looking good, is sometimes neccessary.
look at 2:13 onwards and you'll see corners of sheilds being used.
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