I've played a game with China in which the psycho Shaka (Zulu) wiped out Morocco, two city states and was plotting against me (Brazil warned me about it!). I rushed my tech to enable building my special crossbows and I attacked him after he declared war on another neighbour, Polynesia. I quickly took one of this 11 cities (!! I only had 4... ), fortified it with walls and turned two of my generals into that special fortification they make, around the captured city. He lost 40+ army units vs my 6 crossbows, 3 knights and 4 swordmen and now he's offering me the stars and the moon for peace, lol.
I will accept the peace after I send him back to the Stoneage.
Immortal difficulty.
Er. whats a GoT mod?
it kept me up till 3 this morning, it wouldn't let me leave! Kept pulling me in.
but yeah, slowly getting to grips with what to build etc, still haven't made it out of the classic era.
So i tried to get the GoT mod, subscribed, it just wouldnt download, any ideas?
I also got BNW expansion in the recent Steam sale. For me, it has completed the game nicely.
Played an immortal game today. It was hard going but I managed to avoid any wars. The AI were significantly smarter at this level. I avoided wonders at first so i could spend the time building other buildings. I started building wonders at Pyramids onwards. I managed to build quite a few this time. However I did find the AI were ahead on almost every stat. I was self feeding my empire with cargo ships to really boost it but I still fell behind. I think building a bigger empire would have helped. I lost after one AI bought off all the city-states for diplomatic victory. Very sneaky way to win.
It really does. I've had it since launch and bought each update as it came out, each time the game gets closer to Civ IV (as mentioned above it was nowhere near on vanilla). The newest additions really rounded it off.
Can't wait 'til October now!
Civilization: Beyond Earth is released I would guess.
Pff. How dare he call it Civ 6!
Started a new game. But question, I love playing aggressively. Building up an army and just dominating the other civ's/towns. It's obviously not the best way to play. But how do I cope with barbarians if I don't wish to play aggressively?
Secondly, I normally go off what my advisors suggest when researching/building. Are they right all the time as some times their choices seem stupid. Like suggesting I build tonnes of sea crafts when I can't do anything due to being cut off so the ships would sit in an unoccupied ocean...