Civilization V

I hope they do some tweaks for the GFX in a patch. I have my start city nicely nestled in the tributary of a river. The join of the rivers is just plain amateurish though, or perhaps lazy is better way of putting it. :eek:

Maybe you can unlock it into a quad ;)

I tried this some time ago. Boots as an X4 20, but windows don't wanna know. :( I suppose I could faff about with the voltage...
Am I just being an idiot or can't you take over city states?
Been trying for ages to take over almaty but the health keeps going up a bit :o

Managed to make it a puppet, no idea how
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I am giving myself a refresh on the tutorials, but one I think has a bug. The city improvement tutorial seems not to understand that I have connected up the cities, even though I have... Anyone else found this?
Anyone else getting constant notifications about trade routes being broken then re-established?

Seems to happen once I build harbours.
I hate it when you've played the demo , purchase the full game and you can't skip the intro's first time round grrr

EDIT : Ok it skipped just took awhile
Is it me, or does it seem to take ages to get anything built compared to Civ4? Everything seems to take longer.
Can't wait to get this, and hopefully get some lan games with my father... we used to play civ back when i was younger in hotseat mode ^^ this should be fun :P
Well why wouldn't it? Nukes are the ultimate evil, launching 1 either makes everyone hate you or everyone start launching there own. They are supposed to be a deterrent after all and only something to be used when tensions go too far.

Unless you're the only person to have them then you'd think people would be very pally with you :p

like America after nuking Japan :p
Don't get me wrong its a good game. However,

I'm Kinda lost on to why people are loving it so much, can you please explain?

firstly this is my first ever CIV game so i'm going to ask some stupid questions.

1. The Trailer did not show the game properly for me, when i saw the trailer i presumed that you could go inside the town, as well as see it from above. this doesn't seem to be the case?

2. Im only played "play Now" but so far after 3 hours of playing all i've had to do is build farms & mines & pyramids & killed barbarians, when you ally with people & i'm presume i'm trading with them, there doesn't seem to be any verification that your trading?

3. I found the tutorial pants to be honest it did not tell me how to do the stuff i most wanted to know.
for example how to setup trading routes (how do i know what i'm trading??)

4. So far i'm finding it quite boring i seriously must be missing something in the game.... it seems everyone whos playing it is having their unused hand on the game cd making it juicy.. please tell me where the fun is? :(

5. i know im a new player, but if new players are alienated like this, don't you think that the game will lose such a big new player fan base?

IM not saying the game is rubbish anyway at all but, i just don't "get it"

maybe things will change once i play for so long?

please help me :D
I'm so tempted to buy this game but at this moment in my life couldn't afford to get addicted to Civ again... most nights don't even have time to watch a movie never mind "one more turn"
maybe things will change once i play for so long?

please help me :D

Screw Civ and get galactic civilizations 2 :p

Much better TBS :p

and instead of just "you've unlocked X unit" you build and design your ships :D

someone even made a giant flying optimus prime with laser eyes in the ship maker :D
4. So far i'm finding it quite boring i seriously must be missing something in the game.... it seems everyone whos playing it is having their unused hand on the game cd making it juicy.. please tell me where the fun is? :(

You might not be missing anything, turn based strategy games arent for everyone, they've never really been a mainstream genre. It could just be that its a style of game that isnt your cup of tea.

5. i know im a new player, but if new players are alienated like this, don't you think that the game will lose such a big new player fan base?

It might lost some new players but I dont suppose they will be overly bothered, the CIV games are one of the biggest selling games ever, its one of the most (if not THE most) successful series of games ever released. It may not grab too many new players to the genre, but I actually think that was always going to be the case anyway, different strokes and all that.
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I am really enjoying this now. I am having to install it on my girlfriends laptop to see if it works well enough for her to purchase. We are both big Civ4 players...and now hopefully Civ5.
The only thing I'm not liking is the fact the game feels so slow. I would've finished a game of Civ IV by now, but all I have is a few cities and haven't even begun to build up an army.
Am I just being an idiot or can't you take over city states?
Been trying for ages to take over almaty but the health keeps going up a bit :o

Managed to make it a puppet, no idea how

You're just being an idiot :p

You can conquer city states, but doing so is even more idiotic :)

The long bar above city states is their influence level. There are several stages of influence - <0 = mad, 1-30 = neutral, 30-60 = friends, 60+ = allies.

At friend and ally status, the bonuses that city states give you are incrdible, but only from Maritime and Cultural ones. Militaristic ones will give you some units, but they are usually just warriors and scouts, however they can help you out incredibly during a war.

When you go to war with an AI, so do all your allied city states, and the number of units they churn out is brilliant and keeps your enemies pressured. Maritime city states give you good. It is a far more viable tactic to befriend a couple of maritime states to feed all your cities so they can specialise in working production tils instead and completely skip having to build expensive granaries and water mills.

Cultural city states vastly improve the amount of culture you get per turn. Furthermore, the patronage social tree reaps even more benefits from city states - Influence degrades 25% slower, minimum influence of 20, +25% influence from gold gifts, +33% of an allied city states science output gets added to yours, double the happiness from gifted luxury resources from city sates, and finally a chance of allied city states giving you great people - that last one is just awesome.

Patronage is the most powerful social tree to develop, and you should do as many quests for city states as you can (except for killing others).

City states also have personalities. Never waste your gold or time on Hostile city states because influence degrades faster with them. I wouldnt bother with Irrational or neutral militaristic ones either as the bonuses they give arent that great.

Friendly (most preferably) or Neutral Maritime and Cultural city states will make you very powerful if you befriend them from the extra food and culture they provide. If you get several friendly cultural and / or maritime states, developing the Patronage tree is a no brainer, do it and save up 1000 gold as much as you can for the best rewards. Friendly states never request you to capture another state, they usually ask you to clear a barb camp, build a road to them, find an AI, build a wonder, or spawn a great person, and meeting those requests if you can nets you huge influence boosts.
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