It's core mechanics, graphics and general ethos are top notch.
What it lacks is polish and it lacks it to the point it ruins it for me. Diplomacy is borked, there are other debatable things that are currently borked. Balance with big or small civs isnt right but this can be solved.
But the main thing is this- it is far too procedural, and just not fun. Nothing rewarding/random/exciting. I get bored taking the turns and switch off to it as nothing unpredictable happens; I pine for a stack of doom, or something to coe unexpectedly...its tedious at times and that is inexcusable for any form of game.
Man no real Earth map sucks. I downloaded one that supposed to have true starting location but they are still random. I will have a little tinker maybe im doing something wrong.
Anyone recommend good real earth map with TSL and resources ?
So many people moaning about this game I almmost didn't buy it. Luckily I actually enjoy it and wasn't put off by the set-in-their-way Civ diehards who can't cope with change.
Why do people have to adopt an attitude like this with people they don't know over a game?
I'm glad you enjoy the game, why have a pop at those who don't?
I've played games for 17 years. Every single one since the original I've played ad nauseum. This is the first one that has turned out to be a shadow of its former self.
So blow me.
Oh, and they are still ****ing up mods with the patches. Honestly how hard can it be?
I'm getting fed up of having to constantly revise code that was previously fine.
when the lead designer leaves, as he has, 'for better pastures' you know the game is fail.
I really want to play it, but each game there is a route to victory that i do not want to play.
Game is poor and i am really sad to say this seems like the death of civ.
How is it any different than those of you who DO know the game lamblasting it at every opportunity? Your post reeks of hyprocrisy by the way
I'm speaking from personal experience
I read many many posts on Civ Fanatics and I understand some of the complaints but the majority I read are moot points made by long term players who want a graphics update for Civ IV.
A question was asked, I responded in the most honest manner I could. I'm sorry YOU chose to take my post personally.