Civilization V

Hey Gaijin, we should be able to pick up were we left off.

It will be tough to beat the Spanish with our tech though! That 1000 year war of building nothing but military units to beat Siam and all his allied city states has cost us! Lol
I was a victim of the slightly crazy AI yesterday. Playing as Austria and I met Isabella who straight away contacted me in the 'afraid' state, calling me a great leader and basically throwing herself at my feet asking for mercy (I had one scout turned archer and one warrior) and less than five turns later, she's denouncing me (for absolutely no reason) and sending thinly veiled threats and calling my military weak.

I also hate it when you have another civilisation spawn near you, and before you've even settled another city (which takes bloody ages in this now unless you get lucky with culture bonus' from ruins) they contact you saying you're expanding too rapidly and settling in their lands. You're totally boned then for staying on the right side of them as you either forfeit land that you can expand to, or you tell them to go do one and they start trying to turn opinion against you :(

Also, barbarians seem really aggressive on normal behaviour now too. I'd hate to see them on rampaging!
I have to train a warrior first I've found now, and have 2 units to take out one barb camp. So I'm no longer opening with Monument first as I need a Warrior > Shrine > Granary > Settler spam.

Scouts are useless, I turn ruins off and have 2 warriors right from the start to deal with barb camps, and after a while each those warriors are promoted to Medics and get two archers / composite bowmen each, so I have 2 x 1 warrior + 2 archer barb hunting / city defense groups.
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So what's the better game now Civ 4 Beyond the Sword or Civ 5 Gods and Kings!? Can't decide if I should get this after preferring BtS to Civ 5 vanilla.

I dont know about Civ 4 but I have made a giant earth map, put 22 civs in their proper start locations with 40 city states (with world builder) and I am having so much fun! This is my third play through lol.
Anyone found a good Standard or at most Large sized earth map with true start locations that is gods and kings ready? (ie new factions etc?)

Failing that a huge one? Although I would rather the smaller sized maps as the turns on my computer take ages on huge! It was also prone to bugs and crashing in the late game.

Speeduk, any chance of a screenie of the map you made for inspiration? :)
Speeduk, any chance of a screenie of the map you made for inspiration? :)

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This is my map (after a long war with celts) - its basically the bare version of the Giant earth map from the yet (not) another earth map pack with some start resources placed and britain and west europe hugely enlarged so that the AI isnt so pressured into war all the time. - the giant map in there has quite a small britain and i found starting as either celts or england was not fun - its why i made the map.
So anyone got any tips for this game especially when it comes to taking cities? It seems to me I have to work my way through all the tech upgrades to get something powerful enough to take down a city which makes all the early units redundant.
I prefer to turtle than conquer, and mostly play Babylon or Korea for that. I havnt ever won a Civ game via conquest, it takes too much effort and micromanagement moving all the units around and I find it too boring.
So anyone got any tips for this game especially when it comes to taking cities? It seems to me I have to work my way through all the tech upgrades to get something powerful enough to take down a city which makes all the early units redundant.

Hit the enemy when they are low on funds so they cant buy an emergency wall/castle or unit. Use siege units -catapult and such is awesome. I always send in a low health scout or such to take the first hit and draw fire away from weak units and just let rip with range. Theres no clear cut way though as the land around the city could make it so a ranged attack is almost impossible.

The english bowman is amazing for taking cities with its 3 range.....
Been playing for a few hours because i really love RTS's but do games on this really last sooo long my games been on for 4 hours and still doesn't look like any sort of winner?
Got this the other day on the Gamefly sale £5 for what has to be one of the best gaming experiances in my life. Absolute bargain! Cant beleive I havnt got into CIV since now...still on my first game 10 hours in and going for conquest and absolutely loving it. Just got to modern era and just built my first nuke while most others are still stuck in the renaiscance, Much joy to be had when i get home tonight me thinks :D
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