Civilization V

I have to train a warrior first I've found now, and have 2 units to take out one barb camp. So I'm no longer opening with Monument first as I need a Warrior > Shrine > Granary > Settler spam.

Scouts are useless, I turn ruins off and have 2 warriors right from the start to deal with barb camps, and after a while each those warriors are promoted to Medics and get two archers / composite bowmen each, so I have 2 x 1 warrior + 2 archer barb hunting / city defense groups.

I understand most of that build order the settler spam confuses me a bit. When I asked about happiness you said one of the reasons was I had expanded to fast but would settler spamming just make things worse? When is the ideal time to start expanding?
When is the ideal time to start expanding?

-ve happiness results in a huge loss of growth (i think 75%) for all of your cities.

I tend to build another city only when my happiness is 6 or more, as it will take a huge hit when you found a new city.

Other factors to consider are the availability of luxury resources in the vicinity of where you are founding a new city, and if I am able to quickly construct or buy happiness structures (colosseum).

You can always tweak religion to your advantage if you are quick enough to found one. Several beliefs give a good happiness bonus :)
Anyone else having issues with strange advisor pop ups in Gods & Kings? A couple of times I've had an advisor popup to tell me my population was 'livid' when my happiness was green.
Yeah I think there's quite few AI issues with the game at the moment, I would expect to see a patch in the next week or two to iron out a few of gremlins.
I understand most of that build order the settler spam confuses me a bit. When I asked about happiness you said one of the reasons was I had expanded to fast but would settler spamming just make things worse? When is the ideal time to start expanding?

Settler spam IE 2 settlers first and then a 3rd free from collective rule. Settle near luxuries first, improve them, then decide if you want to go tall or wide. I like to have 4 cities built by 2000 BC for Tradition bonus buildings.
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I think i've played 150-200 hours on civ4 and expansions about a year ago. I played civ5 briefly during the free weekend but forgot to buy it. Is it an easy transition from civ4 to 5?
Civ V is significantly easier than IV was. A lot of people still don't like that, but I like the fact that I can beat the game with just 2 cities and building up my infrastructure in Civ V which you could never do in IV.
in my 5 hours free playtime of civ 5 it seemed damage given/taken was more predictable rather than pure dumb luck in civ 4 which was a great move. But I still dont understand the territory/culture thing in civ 5. Can a square controlled by a rival civ be culture flipped to yours without capturing the rival city?
in my 5 hours free playtime of civ 5 it seemed damage given/taken was more predictable rather than pure dumb luck in civ 4 which was a great move. But I still dont understand the territory/culture thing in civ 5. Can a square controlled by a rival civ be culture flipped to yours without capturing the rival city?

Afaik you can only take other hexes that are owned by a rival by utilising a great general in order to build a citadel which is a massive defensive structure but also flips adjacent enemy hexes over to you.
Great artist culture flip in vanilla, Great general citadel in G&Ks.

Great people got nerfed so much in the expansion, Firaxis must have seen my videos where I spawned over 30 in a single game lol ... :(
I would just like to say that Carthage are insane if you can get a decent amount of coastline under your control. Set up a religion that can build Mosques and Pagodas, your Faith and Happiness will go up so much you're almost permanently in Golden Age and can expand like it was Civ II without corruption.
I would just like to say that Carthage are insane if you can get a decent amount of coastline under your control. Set up a religion that can build Mosques and Pagodas, your Faith and Happiness will go up so much you're almost permanently in Golden Age and can expand like it was Civ II without corruption.

Oddly enough I was playing as Carthage in my game the other night (the game where I was struggling to move forwards). I'll bear all that mind as I think I will have to restart the game and generate more faith.

In CIV5 I was systematic and focused my efforts on science and technology, this expansion tricky to adapt to but I think new players would appreciate better then old hands as the game is more rounded and forces you to be more balanced in your approach.
Oddly enough I was playing as Carthage in my game the other night (the game where I was struggling to move forwards). I'll bear all that mind as I think I will have to restart the game and generate more faith.

In CIV5 I was systematic and focused my efforts on science and technology, this expansion tricky to adapt to but I think new players would appreciate better then old hands as the game is more rounded and forces you to be more balanced in your approach.

You need to pick the right Social Policies to get the right Great People too. Anything that gives Great Artists is a little crazy with the "permanent Golden Age" plan as their GA ability no longer has diminishing returns. I built the Louvre in my current game after building the Wonder that extends GAs by 50%, used both Great Artists to trigger GA and found myself with 33 turns of it. When you're making 700+ gold a turn before half your cities even have banks, plus 700 Science, 150 Happiness and 200 Faith, you just explode. Every 12 turns you can buy a new city with Aqueduct, Hospital, Mosque, Pagoda, Shrine, Temple, Water Mill, Windmill and garrison, and still have money left over.
would anyone be interested in a vanilla (for the people without G+K) world map OCUK game, set up a game night where we play for a couple of hours (or more) on saturdays for instance. would be good to get everyone playing in one big game and see what happens.
could even set a few rules where you can't openly discuss the in-game tactics (alliances and surprise wars could be talked about between the protagonists but not in open chat) just to keep things a little more exciting and edgy.
My copy FINALLY came, with a little note saying "not high grove" meaning RM made a right boob of it all and tried to deliver it on the other side of town all week :(

On the plus :D

Couple of hours into a Carthage game and my old spam culture tactic doesn't work as well as things make faith instead! Need a game where I'm not invaded in the first hour by an aggressive alexander to work out what happens with religion.
would anyone be interested in a vanilla (for the people without G+K) world map OCUK game, set up a game night where we play for a couple of hours (or more) on saturdays for instance. would be good to get everyone playing in one big game and see what happens.
could even set a few rules where you can't openly discuss the in-game tactics (alliances and surprise wars could be talked about between the protagonists but not in open chat) just to keep things a little more exciting and edgy.

That could be a good laugh! An earth map with true start locations, correct resources etc. Maybe everyone has to settle for "random" civ choice too.

I think a lot of people here would prefer G+K as it does add a lot, maybe wait and see who is interested and doesn't have it?

Even if its a handful of players and the rest is AI it could be quite funny. :)

**** EDIT - No custom maps or mods in multiplayer???? Does anyone know how to get them to work? I'm really disappointed :(
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