Civilization V

I never knew you could fail to found a pantheon/religion.

I neglected my faith production in the beginning and by the time I realised I had to increase my faith too many pantheons had been founded (despite there being 3 religions left to found)

As I was playing archipelago I went nearly 175 turns with faith, nothing to spend it on and no religions in my cities, it was only when the celtics eventually sent a missionary across and spread Christianity that I was finally able to spend my (1200) faith I had accumulated.
Damn, even on 'Normal/Prince' difficulty setting I'm finding this new expansion really difficult. I ignored building a military so I could concentrate on building up my economy yet most of the AI players built and expanded faster then me and built very powerful militarys at the same time.

It would seem I need to be more aggressive in the early stages with setting up cities to cover resources, hell in my game Persia had a nation happiness of over 100! No wonder Persia was so powerful they must have had an almost endless Golden age for dozens of turns. I thought I was doing well at 16 (well at least that's better then my first attempt at Gods & Kings when is mostly negative for most of the game).
Because it has been a while since I played, and I'm as dumb as a bag of spanners when it comes to this game, which I love, I have dropped down the "Warlord" (?) from the Prince level I usually play at, since buying the expansion. For me it just seems to extend the time before I get beaten but at least I have some sort of chance to get into the Renaissance level before my end is too obvious.

@bhavv - did the driver reinstall sort it out.? I noticed your posts over at the civfanatics forum. I did reply over thre to let you know that NVidia have been able to reproduce Civ V crashing...
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does anyone know what happens when you build a city one tile next to a barbarian encampment? I'm just seen the AI do it, just wondering if anyone else has seen/done it.

I think it destroys it and you get the reward. At least it did in Civ 4.

All these people lowering the difficulty since the expansion! I've had to raise the difficulty by two levels. Currently playing on Emperor.
does anyone know what happens when you build a city one tile next to a barbarian encampment? I'm just seen the AI do it, just wondering if anyone else has seen/done it.

The encampment is destroyed and you get the reward. If there was a unit in there, it stays though.
I can still see it there though, unless it does it differently for AI?
I'm on dificulty 4 (can't remember the name) I raise it based on past performance but refuse to lower it, this is my first civ game so I'm going to allow myself that one saving grace.
also found jumping into an immense game has given me a much great understanding of the mechanics as you have a longer time to figure out and reverse your mistakes.
I started I new game of Gods & Kings this on my level 3 as level 4 I was just getting my butt whipped in the latter stages I would dread to think how hard this game is on Deity.
I do like the new music for G&K and the AI is rather more focused than before. As I usually play the Romans I think I may need to rush Stonehenge on my next game as my faith generation rates are terrible.

I always play on 'King' even though I simply don't have the powergamer mentality to make these higher level games work. :p
Can't get a full game of this to last. I get up to the point where you start seeing aircraft for the first time, but the time it takes between turns is just so off putting.

Even with a small map and only 4-6 civs, it's just agony waiting all the time. :<
Even with a small map and only 4-6 civs, it's just agony waiting all the time. :<

Reminds me of way back, waiting aaaages in Civ2 on a really low spec machine with "show enemy moves" on. I could literally make a cuppa between turns lol!

I used to get latter game slow down when Civ 5 was fresh. They did well to really reduce the times though! Have they got longer again with G&K?

I suppose I'm just a little more laid back than some and don't mind waiting :P
Might of been covered already but does anyone else have issues with this crashing on dx10/11 mode?

I do know that NVidia have been able to reproduce the game crashing with their latest drivers as I read that within their forums. Some suggest rolling back to a previous release.
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