Clarkson's Farm

Indeed fair play to him, at least he is putting is hard earned money to some use. By the sounds of it quite a few rich folk move into farming as they need the money made from something else to make it viable, fair play to them (thats if they made their money from themselves and not third generation toffs who have never known hardship).
Indeed fair play to him, at least he is putting is hard earned money to some use. By the sounds of it quite a few rich folk move into farming as they need the money made from something else to make it viable, fair play to them (thats if they made their money from themselves and not third generation toffs who have never known hardship).

He bought the farm to avoid paying inheritance tax. He came from wealthy parents. I personally like Clarkson but he isn't blue collar but wishes he was. I admire his love for the farming but his palms are as smooth as a babies bottom. Apparently he passed his driving test in his grandfather's Bentley so make of that what you will. I passed my test in a 1 litre Vauxhall Corsa!
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Good watch to get a bit more of a fix if you've finished series 2
Yeah, this was pretty good. It is just four of them sitting and chatting, but you actually get a bit more detail about farming, removing subsidies, why he started it and more.
Finished this just now.

Great watch, will be a huge loss if theres no S3, with the amount of dross on tv now days this is a genuine breath of fresh air.
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I had it in my head that it was cancelled but
Thats great news

Too busy reading the media going on bout how he's been cancelled because of what he said about Markle ;)

His contract has come to and end, Amazon haven't said anything about not renewing him though the last I saw, it was just a case of clickbait and keyword hitting, you cant see any news that mentions Clarkson without it bringing in Markle..
Yeh I think it would be a shame for all involved if they didn't go another series.

I really liked it and I generally like Clarkson and his content. He does go a bit too far sometimes though. Like when he started throwing punches and what not.
I did notice he was getting very irate with people when they were opening the restaurant and people were driving up, but he took himself off which he probably wouldn't have done a few years ago..
Has he had any backlash about some of the comments he's made in this series yet? eg about Badgers accidentally dying.
He's also had a go at cyclists, ramblers etc but this should show how Clarkson is always taking the pee.

Honestly, there are two jobs I would never have - running a pub and being a Farmer.
Has he had any backlash about some of the comments he's made in this series yet? eg about Badgers accidentally dying.
He's also had a go at cyclists, ramblers etc but this should show how Clarkson is always taking the pee.

Honestly, there are two jobs I would never have - running a pub and being a Farmer.

He had a go at the barrister and told him that he should learn to spell. Turns out the barrister is dyslexic, and there is a 'furious backlash' about his 'disparaging remarks'. I would have thought a barrister would have someone who proof reads reports etc, or at the very least, put it into google speech and have it read it back to you?
He had a go at the barrister and told him that he should learn to spell. Turns out the barrister is dyslexic, and there is a 'furious backlash' about his 'disparaging remarks'. I would have thought a barrister would have someone who proof reads reports etc, or at the very least, put it into google speech and have it read it back to you?
Couldn't spell or get his numbers right (the car park was going to be bigger than the whole farm iirc)... If he's got a condition that means he misses stuff like that then he should definitely be getting someone to check it.
To be fair, if you are trying to make a legal argument and things are presented incorrectly or there are mistakes, it undermines the entire thing takes away credibility of what is being put forward (well should).

Likewise if I’d paid for a barrister to write a planning rejection letter, I’d damn well want it to be both accurate and spelt correctly or they aren’t getting paid.
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To be fair, if you are trying to make a legal argument and things are presented incorrectly or there are mistakes, it undermines the entire thing takes away credibility of what is being put forward (well should).

Likewise if I’d paid for a barrister to write a planning rejection letter, I’d damn well want it to be both accurate and spelt correctly or they aren’t getting paid.

Totally agree. I imagine being dyslexic is not great but if your career's creditability relies on it then take some countermeasures to overcome it. I wouldn't employ a colour-blind electrician for example.

It's just a shame there isn't a family friendly version of it as my young son would love to watch it but sadly but there's just too much ******* swearing in it.
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I had it in my head that it was cancelled but
Thats great news

season 2 and 3 were on the chopping block after the article, but they change their minds, released season 2 and continue production on season 3. there was a lot of talk of a season 4 just before Christmas but since the article there been nothing. current reports suggest that season 2 and 3 plus the currently filming of grand tour is the last work with clarkson. but as of yet there been no official announcement from amazon. so whether seasson 4 happens it very much up in the air.
He had a go at the barrister and told him that he should learn to spell. Turns out the barrister is dyslexic, and there is a 'furious backlash' about his 'disparaging remarks'. I would have thought a barrister would have someone who proof reads reports etc, or at the very least, put it into google speech and have it read it back to you?

Ahh yes, but in this day and age, you can be lazy, put it down to mental health, dyslexia or something else and everyone has to let your laziness slide, or they're a terrible human being...
season 2 and 3 were on the chopping block after the article, but they change their minds, released season 2 and continue production on season 3. there was a lot of talk of a season 4 just before Christmas but since the article there been nothing. current reports suggest that season 2 and 3 plus the currently filming of grand tour is the last work with clarkson. but as of yet there been no official announcement from amazon. so whether seasson 4 happens it very much up in the air.

I hope they're just keeping quiet until the heat dies down and then confirm season 4 in a year or two.
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