Clash of Clans

Hi chaps,

Stared playing this on Android last week and hooked. Not spent a £ and managed to get in the Bronze league. Tempted to join a Clan soon, any major benefits of doing that? Also noticed the none-50 level OCUK clan has just 3 members in it. Think I'll wait until I'm level 50 and join the other one. Im level 23 so shouldn't take long.
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Yeah, we merged the two clans a while ago. There are quite a few benefits, the main being you get clan castle troops to help defend your base or to help attack with. You also get to participate in clan wars and lets not forget the banter :p
When I search for multiplayer games I only find games that give me around 30 trophies. How can I battle people who have more trophies, my army is massive and I'm confident I'd win.
When I search for multiplayer games I only find games that give me around 30 trophies. How can I battle people who have more trophies, my army is massive and I'm confident I'd win.

30 is around the max you can take off anyone, I don't think I've seen any higher than about 33.
Ah OK, and when my defence loses I get a shield for XX hours. Is that so I can repair my buildings? The thing is when I replay the battle it shows my buildings being demolished, but when I go to see my live village nothings broken?? Just red bars which quickly replenish. Whats that all bout

Also how do I rank up faster? I wanna join the OCUK clan!
Ah OK, and when my defence loses I get a shield for XX hours. Is that so I can repair my buildings? The thing is when I replay the battle it shows my buildings being demolished, but when I go to see my live village nothings broken?? Just red bars which quickly replenish. Whats that all bout

Also how do I rank up faster? I wanna join the OCUK clan!

Buildings repair almost immediately so don't worry about that.

The shield is useful because people can't attack you and steal your resources. You can actually use this to your advantage by putting your TH outside you walls. People will then just destroy your TH for the trophies and quit, leaving your resources protected.

The quickest way to level is to have as many builders as possible, collecting resources as fast as possible. I recommend just using a 50/50 mix of barbs and archers and keep hitting next until you find an easy target to steal from. Then... Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Just installed this on Sunday. Can't believe I'm so late at finding this! Only at level 4 town house so far. I've also yet to attack or be attacked by anyone. Just building up defences and resources.
This game is a marathon not a sprint!

Concentrate on upgrading your resource collectors over everything else.

+1 this I've found the best defence is to have your defences weapons fortified by walls. Then have your buildings next to these walls. This way as the enemy is slashing into your buildings, their getting pummeled by cannons and archers :)

By the way I created my own clan called UK Soldiers Utd, you must have 80-0 trophies to join. Once I have rank 50 I'll pass the leadership onto someone else and join OCUK clan :cool:
I've just reached level 25 but it looks like things will be slow going from here on. I have absolutely everything maxed out on my town hall level 4 so have just clicked to upgrade to town hall level 5 which will take 48 hours!

Is that the best strategy? Wait until you have every item maxed out until you upgrade the town hall again? Or should you upgrade the town hall as quick as you can and leave everything else?
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I always max out the th. I'm just upgrading to th8 now, the only thing I've not upgraded are the hidden teslas and the walls.
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