Clash of Clans

I packed in for a month or two, just couldn't get into it. Loaded it back on my phone just in case there was anything in the updates I liked :)
I'm getting fed up of the clan I'm in. We've only won 5 out of our last 11 wars. With only one exception, we lost because not enough people fought - our average stars, average destruction etc. are generally way higher than the opposing clan. That's great, but not much use if only ~30/80 attacks are used. The latest war has completely killed it for me, with two co-leaders prioritising trophy-hunting over fighting in the CW (One attacked once, the other didn't bother. Both were happy to take CC troops 'for the CW').

I'm looking for a new clan. I'm a TH7, level 50-something in Gold I. I've got a good track record for donating (this season I've donated 650ish, receiving around 200) and have scored 6 stars in each of the past 3 clan wars against higher level opponents (I was still learning a lot before that and made the occasional dumb choice, usually resulting in 4 stars per war). I've only missed one Clan War (it was Christmas) since I started playing.

Anyone got a spot for me? I'd prefer more than one war a week TBH.
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You sound like you'd fit right in. CW are pretty high priority in OCUK, we war twice week and insist those in the war get both attacks in. Your donations sound pretty good too.

What's your trophy and levels?
You can either make your way up to 1500, or we can drop the requirements slightly for you. Let me know.

Also, when you put a request in, don''t forget to say who you are from the forums.

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