Clash of Clans

Yeah, no problem :)

Required trophies was set to 1500. That's why you couldn't find it.

I've lowered it to 1200 so you should be able to find us now.

Remember to say that you're from the forums when you join.

Jim :)

thanks Jim, just done it, i included my forum name is message
Just seen that you've lowered the trophy limit to 1200! will send a request in a sec!

edit: my bad it's still at 1500! any chance of lowering!?
Hi guys, only started playing this around 6 weeks ago.

I've maxed out TH6, 3 days left until TH7 upgrade is done.
Level 47, around 1100 trophies. I tend to be between 1050 and 1250 trophies depending on what I'm raiding for, mainly for loot.

The clan I'm in has members which do not participate in the wars, can I join this one? :)
Will lower limit a little for you. Remember to say you are from the forums.. (that needs to be out motto!)

You might struggle to make an impact in our wars however, I think you'll be the lowest level .
Great, I was about middle in the current clan I'm in but it'll be a good challenge. I find it very easy to go on loot raids and pull in a quick 200k-400k even against much stronger opposition. You can be assured I'll be using my 2 attacks in each war!
Just hit T8, should be more useful soon, once I get a few Lv5 troops and start to actual develop some battle tactics. Thinking I will grind out T8 for a few months and max everything.

Right, I'm struggling to understand the logic of sticking at TH9 and I'm starting to wonder if it is hurting us at war time.

TH10 gives you:- Infernos, an extra Xbow, archer tower, cannon and extra bombs. It also gives +1 or +2 levels to those. Your defence is massively improved to point at which you can't get 3 starred. It will also help you defend outside of war and maintain a higher ranking if you desire for better loot bonus.

On the resource side you get an extra type of every collector. So almost 600k of goo and 600k of gold and 17k dark elixir every week. No brainer.

On the attacking side you get to upgrade pretty much all troops and spells another level. You also get +20 troop spaces and +5 clan castle spaces. You should have the potential to pull a star off most bases and will be able to 3 star TH9 regularly.

From what I can tell about TH9 you get a minor percentage increase to loot when attacking...??

This isn't aimed at anyone in particular by the way just general comment that the loot bonus at TH9 used to be a major reason for staying there but I just can't see it anymore.
Only 1 reason... Less targets to attack at TH10.

At TH9 you can find plenty of loot from TH8s, TH9s and TH10s. Occasionally even from TH7s but the loot penalty here is huge so very rarely.

At TH10 your only realistic targets are TH9 and TH10... TH8 rarely because again the loot penalty is huge.

So more loot available more of the time basically.

But... if we are looking at it only from a war perspective then yeah, the jump to TH10 is worth it.
I would say different targets to attack. With a full TH10 loadout I can have a crack at other TH10s that you couldn't at TH9.

Wouldn't the extra collectors and loot bonus make up for the percentage gain/loss? I get 100k of each for each successful raid. (War loot is normally about 1M now as long as Sam turns up for the win;). Also on the defence side I can't remember the last time someone took significant loot off me despite normally offering up 2-400k of each.

I suppose it might come down to how hard you are grinding loot. I think for the amount I play TH10 is better than TH9 for me.
Hey guys after some advice.
Only on TH6, but i went a bit silly earning trophies to get the extra builder after 1250.

Just really farming now, so have my town hall away from base.
Is this a good strategy?
And am i better off losing a few trophies?
Ingame name is Gary
Yes and yes :)

Having TH away from your base means that you will get free shields from people who just attack your TH for trophies, therefore you will have less people attacking your base for loot.

I'd also stay around 1000 - 1100 for TH6
Yes and yes :)

Having TH away from your base means that you will get free shields from people who just attack your TH for trophies, therefore you will have less people attacking your base for loot.

I'd also stay around 1000 - 1100 for TH6

Thanks :)
I'm around the same level as you but I've maxed out everything now at th6. The problem with getting a shield is, I found myself breaking it very often to go on loot raids. This was a much quicker way of pulling in loot. If all your builders are busy, keep the shield. If you have builders free, go on raid after raid to pull in an easy 100k-300k each time. This helped me max everything out quicker.

As above, if you're around 1000-1100 trophies you will find loads of very easy bases to raid for loot.
Thanks guys, but I need to build up a stronger base to have any sort of impact in the wars, at least my th7 upgrade is done! Will hopefully rejoin in 6-8 weeks time if there are still spaces available. I enjoy taking part in the wars but the levels a bit too high for me atm, I need a few weeks to rank up a bit more. Troop donations were awesome!
No worries bud, we should have room. Numbers are creeping up but I don't expect us to hit 50 in that time frame.
I think I might join you guys - current long term clan is getting boring - going nowhere fast - been farming for a while down around 1850 at the moment usually sit around 2100.
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