Clash of Clans

For anyone that's missed the clan chat this evening, we've decided to no longer have a full clan war. Due to the range of abilities / levels in the clan, equally level war match ups are non-existent, hence why we are getting trounced so often.

What we have proposed instead is to have a lower level war (as we do currently), followed by a higher level war (basically everybody that wasn't in the lower level war) and then a 3rd war for anybody that wants in.

If you are opted in for war though, please be sure to check your clan mail for the plan of attack and also check in the clan chat before attacking.

Hopefully this should bring us some better war match ups and ultimately more success!

Jim :)
I think i was sitting on about 7m gold, 7m elixir and 135k dark elixir when it went down for update.

Looking forward to this part of the update:

A.I. Improvements
* Troops and Heroes are less likely to target walls unnecessarily (even the Archer Queen)
* Troops and Heroes will not continue bashing through walls to get to a destroyed target
* Wall Breakers now avoid retargeting towards unnecessary walls when deployed in groups
* Fixed rare cases where defending Heroes or defenses might get stuck and not attack

Let's see how true that is in practice!

I haven't been in war for a while (been busy with work).
How has the meta changed for TH9?
Are people now putting drags and hounds (hounds were used before) in CC defense?
I'm assuming you have 1 poison 2 haste and fill the rest with classical spells? Unless you already know what is in the CC so you avoid using poison.
We've been using a mix of dragons and valks, with good success so far. It has tailed off a bit now people have gotten wise to the poison spell. The jury is still out on haste, but earthquake has proven effective if used correctly. Levelling it up doesn't seem to have any impact at high level walls though.
I rejoined my old clan as they asked me to return and we had a good clean out. Booted around 15 ppl who do not donate/chat/contribute in any way or attack in wars. We are down to only around 20 now, so we normally have 15v15 wars but we are on a good win streak, about 8 wars in a row and we're winning the current one. We're a lvl4 clan which is not bad considering we only started playing the game Feb/March 2015, and half way to becoming lvl5.

I have completely stopped using dragons (I'm mid th8) as I would consistently only get 2 stars, but sometimes 3. I now use gowipe. I've 3 starred every single TH8 base I've come across so far in war, it's so much more efficient than using dragons imo, and more satisfying :) Only downside is DE cost for golems but the return normally makes it worth it.

Collectors all on BOOST. :D
Didn't feel welcome any more / my existence in the clan was nothing but a joke

If it felt that way then it certainly wasn't intended. You did seem to play up to it. If it doesn't work out where you are now then just come back and be the person you actually want to be there, not who you think you were expected to be.
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