Clash of Clans


The clan settings were set to 'Closed'. I've just updated it to 'Invite Only' and set a low limit of 1000 trophies. Send a request today and remember to mention you're from the forums :)

I have just hit TH8 and the most effective way for me to contribute in wars seems to be full dragons and I have started to upgrade them to lvl3 so I can join in while unlocking and upgrading an effective ground army.

There was some in game chat last night about the best TH8 war approach and how full dragons becomes less effective past TH7, can anyone advise on the best TH8 army composition for wars?

I keep reading that 34 hog riders/30 archers and trying to avoid double giant bombs is the best option but I haven't seen anyone in the clan take that approach!
Hi dan,

I use that strategy with Egon, it takes a bit of practice and only works with L4 hogs and above (otherwise a double bomb just wipes them out, even with a heal!).

It takes a bit of practice, particularly in dropping the heals and timing those. However, I'm now TH9 and the extra heal spell, AQ and levels on the hogs really helps a lot.

TBH, I found at TH8 L3 dragons could still 2 star most TH8 bases, occasionally 3 star. I know some don't recommend it, but I watched a couple of YouTube videos the other day that suggested some tips I hadn't thought of before for regular 3 stars. Might be worth a watch...

Sadly, I just don't think TH8 has the firepower to consistently 3 star another TH8, particularly high level ones.
Thanks Egon, I will prioritise upgrading hog riders for when an air attack doesn't look appropriate.

That video has some good tips, I think using max balloons in the clan castle and saving the barbarian king for clean up/a missed AD will improve my success rate a lot.
I also liked how he drops a drag at each side to start to clear up some of the peripheral buildings, before dropping the rest in a line, it makes them all advance in that line rather than bunching up. Also clearing out the furthest AD with lighting and then advancing in in a line towards the remaining 2 AD was nicely explained.
My phone broke today (hence my pitiful second attack - only half the touch screen was working). Can't select 'Opt Out' for wars as it's on a bit of the screen that's broken (the accelerometer is also broken, so no screen rotation). Can anyone that reads this message try and make sure I'm opted out of wars for the time being? Thanks.
My phone broke today (hence my pitiful second attack - only half the touch screen was working). Can't select 'Opt Out' for wars as it's on a bit of the screen that's broken (the accelerometer is also broken, so no screen rotation). Can anyone that reads this message try and make sure I'm opted out of wars for the time being? Thanks.

As Jon said, can't do that without your IG name!
Out for a bit. Nowhere near strong enough for the wars, will check back in a bit once I've done the other squillion upgrades I need.
Morning all. Very limited internet. I dont think i will be able to login for the next 10 days. Please count me out of any battles. Kick if you need to.
Way too good to have to go looking for it
Jon... it gets worse the more times I watch it!

Nice PRJ. You left some behind though :p

Think this eclipses my best, back in my TH8 days I come across something similar, over 700k each of gold and elixir, but no DE. Very nice find... you lucky SOAB :D
Any spaces guys? Think I'm ready to rejoin, I'm now low Th8, lvl 66. I can consistently 3 star any th7 base and 2 star most th8 bases with mass dragons. Find it hard to 3 star th8 but that's probably because I'm still relatively low th8 myself so troops have a fair bit of upgrading to do.

Last time I was in the clan I was upgrading from th6 to th7 and I had no dragons. I should be able to make an impact right at the bottom now somewhere! My current clan has too many members who still don't attack or randomly send dragons in everywhere for 1 star which is costing us.
What's your trophies? We'll lower the limit to let you in.

Thanks Egon but at the moment im in a really good clan :) Was tempted to try OcUK but everything is going good atm. Got 179 war wins :cool:

How do people only 1 star TH7 with mass dragons? Its like the only tatics to use to destroy TH7 without evening luring. In th8 it becomes gowipe/hogs :)
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