Clash of Clans

Not sure if this strategy has been posted but since you guys have quite a few at TH10+, you're in a position to donate max level bowlers to the TH9s in wars.

We were on a nice 4 war win streak until our last war. We were matched against a war clan with a 6 war win streak... but their war log revealed they had 100% a few times. We expected a tough war but what these guys were doing was leaving their clan (feeder clan) and joining the main clan, collecting troops, returning and doing a bowler/hog/giant attack. It was pretty devastating tbh, they wiped out most our TH9 bases with ease.

We can't use the same stategy as we have no one above TH9 in our clan atm so no one to donate bowlers. Not watched the full video but this looks like the attack:


I see more questions about War Weight lately, so I just done some goggling (yes Googling) and most websites just tells you how to find your "war weight" but not HOW or WHY

so I found this website that will be of use to us

War Weight on Defenses
• Cannon: 88-100 per Level
• Archer Tower: 88-100 per Level
• Walls: 200 per Level
• Wizard Tower (< Level 4): 360-450 per Level
• Wizard Tower (> Level4): 200-290 per Level
• Air Defense: 50 per Level
• Mortar: 370-450 per Level
• Hidden Tesla: 100 per Level
• Air Sweeper: 20 per Level
• X-Bow: 300-350 per Level
• Inferno Tower: 2350-2950 per Level
• Eagle Artillery: 5200-4750 per Level

• Hidden Bomb: 100 per Level
• Spring Trap: 20 per Level
• Giant Bomb: 150 per Level
• Air Bomb: 100 per Level
• Seeking Air Mine: 15 per Level
• Skeleton Trap: 80 per Level

Looking at these numbers will give you an idea of how it works. Here are my tips on how you should upgrade your defenses to get the best return in Clan War:
•Upgrade Air Defenses! They weigh almost nothing and help you a lot, especially in TH9 and lower.
•Upgrade the Air Sweeper, it’s almost free in War Weight.
•Hold back on Wall upgrades early in the game. They weight a lot and you have many. If you upgrade all 200 Walls from Level 8 to Level 9 you are getting 20,000 War Weight added! That’s double the amount of a maxed Eagle Artillery!
•Eagle Artillery and Inferno Tower should not be your prrority upgrades, unless you have maxed most everything else.
•Upgrading Traps is always ok, especially Spring Traps.
•Prioritize point defenses (Hidden Tesla, Archer Tower, etc.) over splash damage defense.

War Weight on Offense

To prevent misunderstanding, this is the upgrade level and not how many you have or produce.
• Barbarian: 50-100 per Level
• Archer: 100-150 per Level
• Goblin: 30-45 per Level
• Giant: 120-330 per Level
• Wall Breaker: 80-100 per Level
• Balloon: 100-190 per Level
• Wizard: 150 per Level
• Healer: 180-200 per Level
• Dragon: 160-420 per Level
• PEKKA: 120-350 per Level
• Baby Dragon: unknown
• Miner: unknown
• Minon: 100-120 per Level
• Hog Rider: 120-350 per Level
• Valkyrie: 80-120 per Level
• Witch: 1500-4500 per level (no typo!)
• Golem: 160-400 per Level
• Lava Hound: 160-350 per Level
• Bowler: unknown

• Lightning Spell: 60-80 per Level
• Healing Spell: 170-230 per Level
• Rage Spell: 80-100 per Level
• Jump Spell: 125-250 per Level
• Freeze Spell: 1000-1600 per Level (no typo!)
• Clone Spell: unknown
• Poison Spell: 165-175 per Level
• Haste Spell: 140 per Level
• Earthquake Spell: 135-150 per Level
• Skeleton Spell: unknown

• Barbarian King: 14-20 per Level
• Archer Queen: 37-44 per Level
• Grand Warden: 58-64 per Level

Now here is the most surprising point – Army Camps, Barracks, Laboratory, etc. don’t have any War Weight! This means upgrading them will help you a lot by providing more housing space.

Also, the Clan Castle has no War Weight and should be upgraded as soon as possible.

Besides that you should always focus on the troops and spells you’re using most frequently. Upgrading the Witch and the Freeze Spell can be ok if you use them. Otherwise, you shouldn’t because they add a ton of War Weight!
Thanks - some useful info there.

This only works in a clan though if everyone subscribes to the same low base weight strategy.
I watched a CoC YouTube video last week where the clan had won 120 war matches in a row,because they prioritised their troop upgrades over base defenses. The clan philosophy was only build/upgrade defenses when you can 3 star you own base
Thanks - some useful info there.

This only works in a clan though if everyone subscribes to the same low base weight strategy.
I watched a CoC YouTube video last week where the clan had won 120 war matches in a row,because they prioritised their troop upgrades over base defenses. The clan philosophy was only build/upgrade defenses when you can 3 star you own base

Yep. We've come up against some clans with that philosophy and they have flattened us. I'm stopping upgrading defenses now as I feel I've got a pretty solid TH10.1 ;) (TH9 defense + lvl2 IT and lvl8 WT). Going to concentrate on walls and traps now

Sadly we still have people using random strategies instead of the tried and tested ones that get hight 2* or 3* at your TH level.

All TH9/low TH10s should be using Goho or prioritising troops towards that and TH10+ should be using valks or bowlers. People need to ask for challenges to be put up. It's the perfect way to get a bit of practice in and then people can chip in with tips, etc. Just my $0.02.
i guess it depends if you want to be able to hold off stronger th10s. The extra war weight hasn't really moved me higher than our other th10s and I'm now able to defend well too

Without a doubt it's THE most important thing if you want success in clan wars.

On my main account I've maxed all my defences at TH9, walls are all lvl 9 and both heroes are at lvl 14. I was planning to grind out hero upgrades to around lvl 20 but I'm now upgrading to TH10 with the intention of keeping the base as it is but just upgrading the following...

spell factory
spring traps/bombs
army camps
research lab > wizards, golems, hogs and valks!

After reading the above, looks like I'm going to add clan castle to that list as well. Not sure if I'll continue to be matched against TH9s but that's the plan...

My ipad clash of clans account is a mid TH9 (lvl 11/12 heroes, lvl 8/9 walls etc) which I very recently rushed to TH10 just for the extra spell. I've also upgraded research lab and next on the list are army camps. For the past 3/4 wars since this account became a TH10, it's been matched against TH9s every time. We are currently on a 5 war win streak...
I kept mine at level 2 and that seems to be a good compromise.

Yep. That's where I'm staying with them for a while. Xbows are staying at 3 too.

Without a doubt it's THE most important thing if you want success in clan wars.

On my main account I've maxed all my defences at TH9, walls are all lvl 9 and both heroes are at lvl 14. I was planning to grind out hero upgrades to around lvl 20 but I'm now upgrading to TH10 with the intention of keeping the base as it is but just upgrading the following...

spell factory
spring traps/bombs
army camps
research lab > wizards, golems, hogs and valks!

After reading the above, looks like I'm going to add clan castle to that list as well. Not sure if I'll continue to be matched against TH9s but that's the plan...

My ipad clash of clans account is a mid TH9 (lvl 11/12 heroes, lvl 8/9 walls etc) which I very recently rushed to TH10 just for the extra spell. I've also upgraded research lab and next on the list are army camps. For the past 3/4 wars since this account became a TH10, it's been matched against TH9s every time. We are currently on a 5 war win streak...

You want to get your heroes to at least 15 so their ability upgrades too.

I'd add giants and bowlers to the list too.
You want to get your heroes to at least 15 so their ability upgrades too.

I find war attacks badly hindered with a hero missing. I wish supercell did something about that, very annoying that they become unavailable to use in war attacks when upgrading but yes, the plan is get them to lvl 15 as soon as I shift things in my favour by getting an extra spell and bigger army camps. That should lessen the impact slightly when they are upgrading.

I'd add giants and bowlers to the list too.

They're way down the list yet if I'm honest. Just worried that if I upgrade the wrong thing I'll start getting matched regularly against a TH10 with ITs and there's no going back from there.
I find war attacks badly hindered with a hero missing. I wish supercell did something about that, very annoying that they become unavailable to use in war attacks when upgrading but yes, the plan is get them to lvl 15 as soon as I shift things in my favour by getting an extra spell and bigger army camps. That should lessen the impact slightly when they are upgrading.
Can't see that happening sadly as they make most of their money from people gemming heroes.

They're way down the list yet if I'm honest. Just worried that if I upgrade the wrong thing I'll start getting matched regularly against a TH10 with ITs and there's no going back from there.

You come up against TH10s in wars that don't have ITs? Once you have Valks to at least lvl4 you can 2 star TH10s with ITs
You come up against TH10s in wars that don't have ITs? Once you have Valks to at least lvl4 you can 2 star TH10s with ITs

Our clan, well at least the participants in war currently comprise of 10x TH9s (one recent TH10 in there) 8x TH8s and 2x inactive weak TH6/7 bases to try lower our overall war weight. We've very little experience against ITs yet, rarely get matched against TH10s and if possible I want to try and keep it that way for as long as possible even when my base reaches TH10 (in a week). Govaho is my favourite army composition at TH9 so I'm glad to hear valks still have an impact at TH10.
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