Thoughts on this inter-clan war, from the 2nd clan's perspective, it hasn't worked well.
Having only 6 members in the clan for wars has many issues, for example we struggled to get CC troops, not only because of the number of us but also because the clan rank of 1 means we can only donate 5 troops as well, so that made it even harder. Then we struggled to get CC troops of max level, again the same problem as above. Filling the war CC was also problematic.
Then there is the normal day to day raiding, all the perks of being in the real clan are lost here and it just makes everything a grind. Hence, another reason for a quick fire war in future.
A mini-war like this would be better if it prep and war were all completed in a single night, seeing as the army is reusable, I could do 2 attacks straight off the bat. The war could be done in a couple of hours, but would probably require more stringent organisation.
One of our members asked - "Is a war like this actually any different to just doing a load of challenges?" - they have a point, I haven't really seen the benefit of this at all.
I know we can switch clans easy enough and go back and forth which would negate some of these issues, but that in itself is a pita. I can't see there being many volunteers for it once they've experienced it once either. It would be much better if SC just implemented a proper inter-clan war feature.
For some reason we still failed to get all attacks in, I have no idea why AE3 left before completing his last attack... no offence mate, it's not a personal dig, but it highlights the problems listed above as I guess you just got a bit fed up.
Anyway, I left my phone at home, so can't complete my last attack till later... booooo