Clash of Clans

The recent halloween update bought with it a glitch. You can train up a full army of any troop e.g. max lvl valks, for only 1 gem and no DE!! It's all over youtube and I can confirm it works. I only came across it yesterday but it's been around for a few days now, either supercell are happy to leave it out there for a bit or they haven't managed to fix it yet but they definitely know about it.
I just did it. Oh my. That's a bit of a glitch.

1. Cook full army of any troop. Barb's is fine.
2. Cook valk. Wait for it to finish
3. Start cooking golem and move to front of queue
4. Use or ditch army before golem finishes
5. Start 2 wall breakers cooking.
6. Move wall breakers in front of Valk
7. Move wall breakers in front of golem
8. Cancel golem
9. Gem
10. Check camps
It's gone now anyway, Halloween theme has been removed. It is no longer possible to change the queue order when training up troops, it was fun while it lasted.

I doubt they'd want to ban paying customers from the game just because they stumbled upon a way of saving elixir/DE when training troops by using gems - which were likely purchased for real money! No third party apps or mods were used.
Thoughts on this inter-clan war, from the 2nd clan's perspective, it hasn't worked well.

Having only 6 members in the clan for wars has many issues, for example we struggled to get CC troops, not only because of the number of us but also because the clan rank of 1 means we can only donate 5 troops as well, so that made it even harder. Then we struggled to get CC troops of max level, again the same problem as above. Filling the war CC was also problematic.

Then there is the normal day to day raiding, all the perks of being in the real clan are lost here and it just makes everything a grind. Hence, another reason for a quick fire war in future.

A mini-war like this would be better if it prep and war were all completed in a single night, seeing as the army is reusable, I could do 2 attacks straight off the bat. The war could be done in a couple of hours, but would probably require more stringent organisation.

One of our members asked - "Is a war like this actually any different to just doing a load of challenges?" - they have a point, I haven't really seen the benefit of this at all.

I know we can switch clans easy enough and go back and forth which would negate some of these issues, but that in itself is a pita. I can't see there being many volunteers for it once they've experienced it once either. It would be much better if SC just implemented a proper inter-clan war feature.

For some reason we still failed to get all attacks in, I have no idea why AE3 left before completing his last attack... no offence mate, it's not a personal dig, but it highlights the problems listed above as I guess you just got a bit fed up.

Anyway, I left my phone at home, so can't complete my last attack till later... booooo :(

It's gone now anyway, Halloween theme has been removed. It is no longer possible to change the queue order when training up troops, it was fun while it lasted.

I doubt they'd want to ban paying customers from the game just because they stumbled upon a way of saving elixir/DE when training troops by using gems - which were likely purchased for real money! No third party apps or mods were used.

Halloween theme is still up for me, I guess they just fixed the glitch.

And Grinch, I agree with everything you've put there. I don't think we should do it again. We should have a friendly with e36Adz's clan though :)
Yep - I wouldn't mind a quick fire friendly with another clan. Everyone gets something out of it, it doesn't cost much and it shouldn't interfere with anything else provided we're quick.

I see a friendly war between our own existing members as akin to incest. We just shouldn't go there. :)
We should have a friendly with e36Adz's clan though :)

We'd probably get whooped, we have new TH10s with no infernos yet and the rest are TH9s and high TH8s.

I'm on the verge of giving up on this clan tbh, taken them to over 180 war wins but it's been me and one other member who for the past 18 months always fill war ccs, and always donate war troops. He's also sick of it. Others occasionally do it, but we have to keep telling them. The odd occasion where we haven't been able to fill ccs you'd think others will do it but war will start and by the time I get to check, nope, no ones bothered.

Our current number 1 on war list, an ex-member from clan ocuk (who was booted out by you guys for not donating) is currently sitting on over twice the amount of troops received compared to what he's donated. Over half the clan sit there waiting for war troops but they don't actually donate anything. Some of them probably think it's an inbuilt feature of the game where troops just come automatically!? Meanwhile, I've got several accounts going in order to try keep the war win ratio high, I get all attacks in and clear up most bases, only for others to not bother attacking and costing us a war.

This last war I think is the final straw for me. I attacked early and 3 starred the opponents bases 2/3/4/5/6 and 2 starred their base 1 from my low th9 ipad account. War was won as far as I was concerned, just bases 7 onwards were left. Our no1 which is a TH10 with almost maxed army camps and heroes lvl 15+ is unable to clear bases 9/10/11 which are low TH9s with pink walls. We end up losing the war on percentage!? Our opponents couldn't clear our bases 1-5 meanwhile we couldn't clear bases 8/10/11/12 etc etc.

This is just one war but its the same story every time, we lost a good active member who donated a hell of a lot because he also got sick of it. It's not worth the effort anymore, I'm gonna sit back and let others donate from now on and see how many wars they win without my attacks. Rant over. :p
Sounds like you're in the OCUK clan. :p Are you sure you aren't? Jim usually handles the war CC donations by himself, I think that deep down he enjoys it.

You're more than welcome to come and join us.
That doesn't sound good mate, sounds like that clan is a lost cause

There are only 21/22 of us, 15 or so active members but we do 20v20 wars and overall we win far more than we lose. I'm just gonna accept a few losses and do nothing about it until others start chipping in a bit every war. I've just scrolled through our whatsapp group chat for clash and 95% of the chat is from me telling people which base to attack, what troops to take in, how many stars we need etc :/
Sounds like you're in the OCUK clan. :p Are you sure you aren't? Jim usually handles the war CC donations by himself, I think that deep down he enjoys it.

You're more than welcome to come and join us.

jim has asked others to chip in, and he has asked for help a bit more often, but as I said to Jim, as soon as im able to help donations I will be doing a lot of it
I've been finding the game leaves me more annoyed than the pleasure it returns. Nothing to do with the ocuk clan at all, purely down to the game itself. I've uninstalled it and have no idea if this will delete all my progress or not, but I don't intend coming back.

Therefore, please boot Squink from the clan.
Fao Grinch.. I left ocuk2 before using my second attack because it really wasn't any different to clan mate challenges.. Only you lose cc troops and they weren't so easy to come by as you pointed out. No loot available, I just failed to see any point in it all. I saw it all as a experiment not to be repeated
There are only 21/22 of us, 15 or so active members but we do 20v20 wars and overall we win far more than we lose. I'm just gonna accept a few losses and do nothing about it until others start chipping in a bit every war. I've just scrolled through our whatsapp group chat for clash and 95% of the chat is from me telling people which base to attack, what troops to take in, how many stars we need etc :/

If you want you can drop a TH9 into our clan. We currently on a 15 win war streak with over 380 war wins :)
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