COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

You can change FOV from the config_mp file in Q3 engined games, don't need the console for that m8 :)

MW2 is slightly different, you need to add the following lines to config_mp file:

set developer "1"
set sv_cheats "1"
bind ""whatever key u want"" "cg_fov 85"

You then need to make the file read only however, I don't know if VAC picks this up as a cheat yet, own risk etc etc ;)

I believe it still locks it to the default 90 or whatever. Could be wrong though.
FOV= Field Of View and the higher the number, the further away a focal point becomes which in turn allows you to see more to each side of the screen.

The default is actually 65 and was designed when everybody was using a 4:3 monitor. Now we're mostly using widescreen monitors, even with native res set, fov 65 just does not look right hence the need to up fov to (my choice) 85.

Best way to test it is to take a screenshot from a certain position on a map, change fov setting then take screeny from same place ... compare then decide. It has been reported that too high an FOV can balls up your hit register, again, this is a suck it and see exercise :)
Ah right makes sense, I too am on a widescreen, I imagine most on these forums are. I doubt i would change anything like that for multiplayer as it is gaining an advantage and might get you into trouble. It would be good if the developer programmed the game to change FOV in the background as you select a widescreen resolution.
Hey, whine ye no further! Less than thirty sheriffs badges lest ye read past ramblings!

Meh, I want it on the day, crappage ensuining if it comes not :\ Pre-ordering a no-go, for this fella.
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