COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

The truly interesting results came when looking at the Core i5 and i7 chips, which were head and shoulders above the rest of the pack. The results were so extreme that we re-tested several times, but in the end they held true and it would appear that Call of Duty: Black Ops has been optimized for these processors.

so i take it the people who are having no lag issues are running i7's / i5's ?

edit: clicky
no quads in general should be fine. phenom here not one bit of stutter or lag since release :cool:

I belive there was a chap a while back who had an i7 with quadfire 5970's and was still getting lag. I think it's both CPU/Memory and Server lag that is causing problems. I often see my netgraph going red which given that fact that I don't get any packet loss in any other games seems strange to me.
i7 here and the game still runs crap, better than it did. But considering I've got 6GB Ram and an overclocked GTX 460 (800/2200) to go with the i7 it's still drops below 60 FPS too often.

I have noticed that GPU utilisation is no higher than 70% and CPU usage is very low at around 30%, except when the level is loading CPU usage spikes upto 100% for a few seconds.
maybe true but in general you should be fine with above a tricore.

there are going to be some who get lag but have they got other issues?

im talking about general groups and not a couple.

ive been going through with friends and the ones who have dualcores even high clocked ones are struggling and those who have like shown in article are generally fine.

one of my mates upgraded his e8200 at 3.2 to a amd 640x4 3.oghz and it blows it out the water no lag whatso ever . even though they supposed to be close its like night and day performance difference.
~>Dg<~ said:
phenom here not one bit of stutter or lag since release :cool:
Blatant BS.

Anyone who says they NEVER get any lag or stutters etc., I simply don't believe it.

This ^^

The lag is caused by more than just the users PC.

My rig (i7 @ 4.2, GTX480 @830 core, 6gb etc, in sig) still gets lag now and again. But not in any other games, online or offline.
Re that Techspot article, it confuses me because I know World at War is much smoother on my system than Black Ops is. Yet they say Black Ops is actually slightly less demanding? Well my own experience doesn't bear that out.

I mean my system isn't stellar, but a Core2 Quad @ 3.0GHz, a GTS 250 1GB, shadows turned off (which I don't need to do in MW/MW2/WaW to get great smooth framerates) and it still dips well below 60fps at times during games? Why?
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lol why is it bs ?

what do i have to gain from saying it doesnt lag :confused:lol

i dont have any lag i havent had any lag the game is fine for me. sorry you have problems.
As above. I did adjust some settings a while back, Snaps, maxpackets etc that did make a big difference, but I am still getting intermitent freezes. I was reading on twitter that someone thought it had to do with audio drivers??
lol why is it bs ?

what do i have to gain from saying it doesnt lag :confused:lol

i dont have any lag i havent had any lag the game is fine for me. sorry you have problems.

I can only assume you just don't notice it then. Like some people swear they can't tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps.
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