Had this since the weekend, first impressions were pretty good, having spent a few hours with it it's become clear that it's utter *****. I had MW2 and enjoyed the SP a fair bit, story was good, set pieces were interesting. This feels unfinished and second rate in comparison. Combat has always been rubbish though in COD games though and this is no different:
Baddie crouches behind crate, stands up, shoots, crouches down, stands up, shoots, crouches down, stands up, shoots, gets shot in face. Another baddie runs across screen trying to get to cover on other side of screen, gets mown down. Another baddie tries the same. And then another. And another.... Baddie visibly spawns on the other side of a window, runs round to door, gets shot in face. Repeat until I move to yellow dot where endless supply of baddies suddenly ends. Hold F near shiny yellow thing as that will clearly be sufficient to mimic performing a complex task like planting and wiring up C4.
If there's one thing that sums up how rubbish the SP player is it's **** like this:
"Repeatedly tap F to open door"
And you have to tap F fast. Like a complete spazz. My Mrs walked past the room where the pc is, the door was open and I was working the F button with more frenzy than a 13 yr old knocking one out at the Playboy mansion. The look she gave me said it all really.
This one feels like and looks like the COD2 demo I played years ago. Graphics are crap, set pieces are rubbish, story is nonsense.
And does anyone else think that the guns in COD games always have, and still do sound and 'feel' like toy guns? I don't know how guns in games can get their 'feel' but the ones in BC2 just 'feel' beefier, more satisfying you know?
MP isn't worth bothering with. Nothing interesting happens. Ever. To make things worse even attempting to search for servers makes my entire Internet connection drop out. It was working fine until last night.
Don't know why I though it'd be any different. I allways knew in the back of mind it was going to be rubbish. Oh well - I suppose if i'm being honest I just got carried away with the hype.
Utter drivel.