COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

This game runs like ****. Even when turned all the way down to minimum settings, and considering COD:MW2 ran well on medium settings at 1680x1050 I am somewhat vexed...

I appreciate that I have a crappy CPU but come on its exactly the same engine, can Treyarch not optimise or something?!?!?!?

Oh well start saving for a overclocked bundle I suppose.
FAP Will be looking for members soon :D

Me and some members have played in competitive CSS leagues and i'm interested in doing it for this.

Obviously we're a new clan, but my house mates are making the website at the moment and I'll probably buy an unranked server in the future.

We'll probably change the name from FAP too :p

Are you planning on playing on your server any time soon? I'm on every evening and I don't think I've seen you there yet! :)
I thought this version of the game was meant to do away with chimps running around at retarded speeds getting easy knife kills? Its getting annoying as hell unloading a few rounds into someone who seems to have a rocket lodged up his arse only to get knifed and according to the massively bugged pos killcam i never fired a single shot. Yet another left over from the original cod.... :rolleyes:
I can only assume you just don't notice it then. Like some people swear they can't tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps.

lol do you know how much gaming i do online and with multi player :D i know what lag is . dont bring fps into it or well be all day lol

in other cods i have my fps binded from 60/125/250/333
I have to say that the time is ripe for another developer to make a great FPS with the best bits of the current crop and none of the **** that winds people up. Shouldn't be that hard, really!
just re the performance of the game on my system I get no fps issues at all except for maybe 1st 10 seconds of a map when i imagine the game is caching everything. I very rarily seem to get connection lag though occasionally my gun stops shooting for about 4 seconds.
Infact most competitive leagues insist on servers being capped at 125fps. Which is the most fair for everyone except those on really poor computers - but you probably shouldn't be playing league games anyhow if you can't get decent fps with low settings.
I don't get lag here (i7 920 @ 4ghz - 6gb ram - 5850)

But I do get this.... wont always aim (the aim gets stuck) crashes out on menu when i try and view server list or change anything...

It so annoying! I'm starting to think I shouldn't have bought this game.. I'm installing for the third time encase that helps.
You mean aside from 60 the fps that let you exploit engine bugs and are presumably banned in competitive play?

How telling ;)


333 for jump servers how telling ;) also all other fps are allowed lol . 9 out of ten for bait though
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Been have lock up recently went from ati10.4a to 10.10d still the same have to disable crossfire to get decent fps,,so peed off with this game
Was in {HAX} server earlier quite fun until i locked up
New Vid of crisis map.

This one is better I think been playing with the settings and its recording miles smoother now.

Been have lock up recently went from ati10.4a to 10.10d still the same have to disable crossfire to get decent fps,,so peed off with this game
Was in {HAX} server earlier quite fun until i locked up

As with TFU server - I won't kick any [OCUK] players to make slots for [HaX] members. FYI, Cupra, Locky, rj and I are all HaX players.
Had this since the weekend, first impressions were pretty good, having spent a few hours with it it's become clear that it's utter *****. I had MW2 and enjoyed the SP a fair bit, story was good, set pieces were interesting. This feels unfinished and second rate in comparison. Combat has always been rubbish though in COD games though and this is no different:

Baddie crouches behind crate, stands up, shoots, crouches down, stands up, shoots, crouches down, stands up, shoots, gets shot in face. Another baddie runs across screen trying to get to cover on other side of screen, gets mown down. Another baddie tries the same. And then another. And another.... Baddie visibly spawns on the other side of a window, runs round to door, gets shot in face. Repeat until I move to yellow dot where endless supply of baddies suddenly ends. Hold F near shiny yellow thing as that will clearly be sufficient to mimic performing a complex task like planting and wiring up C4.

If there's one thing that sums up how rubbish the SP player is it's **** like this:

"Repeatedly tap F to open door"

And you have to tap F fast. Like a complete spazz. My Mrs walked past the room where the pc is, the door was open and I was working the F button with more frenzy than a 13 yr old knocking one out at the Playboy mansion. The look she gave me said it all really.

This one feels like and looks like the COD2 demo I played years ago. Graphics are crap, set pieces are rubbish, story is nonsense.

And does anyone else think that the guns in COD games always have, and still do sound and 'feel' like toy guns? I don't know how guns in games can get their 'feel' but the ones in BC2 just 'feel' beefier, more satisfying you know?

MP isn't worth bothering with. Nothing interesting happens. Ever. To make things worse even attempting to search for servers makes my entire Internet connection drop out. It was working fine until last night.

Don't know why I though it'd be any different. I allways knew in the back of mind it was going to be rubbish. Oh well - I suppose if i'm being honest I just got carried away with the hype.

Utter drivel.
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Laggy jittery mess for me. Granted my pc is aging now but it played MW & MW2 flawlessly. Sniping is rage inducing as it never fails to jitter just as i'm lining up a shot:mad:

Frustrating really as it feels like it would be close to MW in terms of gameplay if it worked properly. Guns do sound a bit cr*p though or is it just me?
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