COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

The more i read this thread the more i think Black Ops is going to disappoint me, even though i never had high opinions of it in the first place, when i play it next week.

Of all the ****ing things my brother could randomly gift me on Steam for my birthday, why this?
The more i read this thread the more i think Black Ops is going to disappoint me, even though i never had high opinions of it in the first place, when i play it next week.

Of all the ****ing things my brother could randomly gift me on Steam for my birthday, why this?

Good of him to get you it TBH, not his fault Treyarch failed :p
Been playing hardcore mostly and then the odd normal TDM ..... there are differences in perceived bullet reg but I think it is more the difference between hardcore vs normal modes.

Under hardcore mode if you don't shoot first then you're dead but with normal games, you can spray a whole clip until he dies on the last bullet.

Generally I enjoy hardcore more because:
- The radar off (unless someone uses spyplane) ... with it on all the time it makes it too easy to spot enemies.
- A few shots to incapacitate someone (works against you as well so you have to shoot first)
- It can be a bit more tactical although it is geared towards campers (but in domination it is about holding the points ;))
Kudos to PC Gamer for the accurate review, shame on the rest for deceiving the public.

thing is someone comes in here to read about the game its the same few bashing it ;)

the game is decent on multiplayer. as long as you have a decent pc and all in order it should run fine and enjoy multiplayer.

there are a few issues but most are to do with people not having a spec of pc high enough to run right. yes some of people with i7 rigs are having problems but that could be your end or a little thing that might be fixed soon. the majority now are enjoying the game.

in order of best fps at moment cod 4 is still best for fun and jump striaght in. this with a few tweaks could be very good if we give them chance. like said loads of times cod 4 wasnt fixed until about 1.3 was buggy and had a lot of issues but no one remembers this now :p
Im actually really liking this game.

The singleplayer was quite brutal and graphic, and the mutiplayer, now the lag has been fixed, is awesome.

HC seems to be the way to go, but nothing like walking around with a silenced pistol popping peoples heads :)
The more i read this thread the more i think Black Ops is going to disappoint me, even though i never had high opinions of it in the first place, when i play it next week.

Of all the ****ing things my brother could randomly gift me on Steam for my birthday, why this?

It's really, REALLY not as bad as some are making out.

Play it for yourself and make your own mind up rather than relying on overly vocal opinions.
Im actually really liking this game.

The singleplayer was quite brutal and graphic, and the mutiplayer, now the lag has been fixed, is awesome.

HC seems to be the way to go, but nothing like walking around with a silenced pistol popping peoples heads :)

Same, also finding out where people tend to camp on a few of the levels so making my killstreaks really get some good kills bumping my score to silly levels. Just had a game now of hardcore team deathmatch and got 35 kills for 2 deaths lol. Attack choppers are absolutely brutal at the moment and well placed napalm also really racks up the kills :D
The way every1 is talking there are currently no new good games on the market!!!

Granted BC2 isn't BF3, MoH isn't AA and BO isn't COD4.... But come on.... the way people are moaning about FPS pc gaming is slowly killing it off and forcing more people to go to console!!!

Just get on with it.... we're at a point in time where DEV's make more money on console's so we'll be an after thought, why make it worse for our selfs by putting potential new gamers off by saying "dont bother, its crap"!

COD:BO is a great easy going game where you can have loads of fun with your mates!
any clans/communities taking on new players under their wing? think being more involved with something will help quite a lot!
Anoither thing they need to sort is bunny noobs i really feel when you jump they need to do the same as diving where you cant shoot for a wile its so lame when someone runs around with shotguns bunny noobing constantly.

Had the worse spawn to yesterday i sapwed had jsut enough tim to do a 180 to see in the shed next to me 5 enemy spawn i manaaged to get 3 efore i went down but was so lame in both ways. I hate being spawn killed na spawn killing and seems game deveolpers have no clue on how to make a good spawning system some are back in the olddays had good spawn systems and i think consols have droped game devolpment down drasticly as it seems games are going backwards not forwards.
Anoither thing they need to sort is bunny noobs i really feel when you jump they need to do the same as diving where you cant shoot for a wile its so lame when someone runs around with shotguns bunny noobing constantly.

With a shotgun, fair enough. But with anything else it's a valid tactic, as is leaning. It's not really bunny hopping, that doesn't work in the same way it does on CS, if done properly it's more of a strafe.

The spawns on the game however are ridiculous, especially on Nuketown. One minute I'll be out in the middle, walk into a random semtex (Which I hate with a passion) then end up spawning in the garden with about 5 of the other team all around. :/
The more i read this thread the more i think Black Ops is going to disappoint me, even though i never had high opinions of it in the first place, when i play it next week.

Of all the ****ing things my brother could randomly gift me on Steam for my birthday, why this?

Luckily my brother bought it himself, i told him not to buy it but he still insisted on paying £40 for it. I watched him play it [he's not that good at fps'] and he came third on the leaderboard, getting really good kill streaks and hardly dieing whatsoever, either way, by watching him play it, i realised the graphics are disappointing and the game didn't appeal to me.

The main thing that annoyed me was the hit-reg/damage ratio, shooting someone in the head 4 times and not dieing is pathetic.
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