COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Anyone here got a good HC server worth playing on? Need to get some decent servers added to my favourites.

I got UK and US HC Ranked:

=6S= Hard As FcUK

=6S= HardCore USA

Seem to be fairly busy and apart from us lot, see a few familiar faces returning. No twitchy ban button admins, folk just seem to get on with it really.
Ive never been banned before then the other day was banned off of two...didnt say a word in either and although i was near the top, i wasnt no1. God knows what their problem was.

Downside of dedicated servers i spose. Obviously you can just jump in another but is a bit annoying for no reason.
Day 2, had my first game of Hardcore last night - surely this is the way the game was meant to be played? It was just so much better in so many ways. And it doesn't take half a clip to get a kill. More tense too and ultimately more exciting. It was disappointing to go back to a normal game after HC.

It doesn't take half a clip to get a kill in normal mode if you can aim
Via Twitter @pcdev: "Trying to roll out another patch before the weekend. CPU optimizations and Zombie matchmaking fix included. QA starts in the AM. Stay tuned."

Well steam is messing me about. The last few days steam would not pop up when I started my pc, a restart sometimes would cure it. I decided to reinstall steam which seemed to work yesterday but today I have connection issues with steam is saying that it could not connect to steam and it appears that I am not connected to the internet. I have tried everything in their support pages. Full virus scan and mallware scan I have disabled my router firewall and windows firewall.

Normal mode only takes a few shots on close-mid range, it's when you get to super long range that spraying fails. Majority of people seem to think that holding mouse click down will work. :p

May have to give one of these servers a go if they're apparently higher skilled. My average KD seems to be well above average. :D
It doesn't take half a clip to get a kill in normal mode if you can aim

See this simply isn't true. If you are putting virtually a whole mag into someone and getting the hitmarker and hit sounds while you're doing it, you are on target. It isn't that your aim is off, it's that the guns are weak. And we aren't just talking at 'super long range' either.

I suppose it is possible lag is playing a role? If I get the hit marker and sounds, does the server necessarily register the hits too? I would have assumed that the server must do, or I wouldn't get the marker and sound at my end.
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was some good fun last night with the fap and hax guys on the TFU server will have to see if we can get some matches arranged.

oh and thorpy please please stick to sniping ;)
The bullet reg and hit box on black ops is by far one of the worst I have ever played with, you need 2 or 3 headshots just to kill someone with the headshot sound marker heard and the other guy still rapes you, really gets to me.

They need to address this ASAP.
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See this simply isn't true. If you are putting virtually a whole mag into someone and getting the hitmarker and hit sounds while you're doing it, you are on target. It isn't that your aim is off, it's that the guns are weak. And we aren't just talking at 'super long range' either.

or more likely you are only hitting with a very small percentage of the bullets which will give you a constant hit marker and sound while the rest fly past.

why not test it, have someone stand still and shoot slowly 1 shot at a time into their chest with various guns and see how many shots it takes, if it takes a full 30+ of hits I'd be amazed
Could well be lag, I get rubber quite a lot as well ... just part of the game.

Nah, it's not lag. My brother hit a guy in the head 4 times last night and the other player never died, he then started shooting the body and eventually the other player died.
can any server admins help me out plz , im running a HQ server and it only seems to be running the same 3 or 4 maps over and over,ive highlighted HC HQ in the admin rcon but there doesnt seem to be a way to edit the map cycle

Ive tried to loggin to GS forums to ask for help but the stupid thing wont let me,i cant register as it says it cant find my info even tho im registered :(

any insight into the map issue ?
or more likely you are only hitting with a very small percentage of the bullets which will give you a constant hit marker and sound while the rest fly past.
If it was down to me having poor aim, I would experience the same thing in CoD World at War, Treyarch's last effort, but I don't so it must be that they've nerfed the guns, and/or there are lag issues which are affecting hit reg.
If it was down to me having poor aim, I would experience the same thing in CoD World at War, Treyarch's last effort, but I don't so it must be that they've nerfed the guns, and/or there are lag issues which are affecting hit reg.

Test it then.

Show me a video of you shooting a guy 30 times (without very long pauses to regen health in between) and i'll accept it.

The fact you're "emptying a whole mag into them" makes it seem like you're spraying and no doubt a lot of bullets are missing.

It's like every game "omg i put a full clip into someone and they turn around and kill me in 3 shot reg sucks", clearly not as they where able to do what you couldn't in 30 in only 3.
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