COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

That doesn't bother me so much, I target so fast I only have time to take in the name color before I'm shooting... if I took the time to ID the uniform I'd only be half as good.
I bet you camp in the garage with LMG??? :D The best place in the map is by the car in the middle. That way when the spawns change you can get them coming from the other way. I have had some good kill steaks in my spawn however, just when it switches :D

I'm usually switching sides of the house and checking gaps, but yes I <3 the garage.

too bad I just prestiged, lost my AK & L96 now :<
I still dunno why anyone prestiges... seems utterly pointless to me.

I do it for the challenge and the satisfaction. Having to earn the Pro perks again, having to make do with inferior guns for a while etc. makes the game more challenging and keeps it fresher.
Oh and yes the extra slots are very handy. I have seven now.

You can get from level 1 to 25 in about I dunno, five hours? It's very rapid compared to previous CODs.
After all of the hype that was built up around the game, I feel a little disappointed. I've enjoyed it for a while, but now it just gets frustrating and annoying when I constantly seem to get drop shotted. :(
When will this piece of crap stop s-s-s-ssstttuttttterrigngngngn!!??!!?!>!.:l';dkas'ld;k a;smd a/;l; skdals dlajkffsfssssssss ffs
Ive played a fair bit of both versions now (360 and pc) man the xbox version online is so much easier. pc gamers are generally better, its not just the controls. Im very average at pc yet I dominate on console. also the recoil action for the guns was easier to control with the control pad. graphics were very smudged though. Its hard to go back to my much nicer and controlling pc version when I win more often :D
All consoles should be banned from playing FPS games, stick to beat-em ups and car games and the odd duck hunt.
All consoles should be banned from playing FPS games, stick to beat-em ups and car games and the odd duck hunt.

Nahh, let them have their small console fps's, it quite a lot of trash talkers out. never experienced such bad trashtalk from EVERY game I played on MW2 (on 360)
Nahh, let them have their small console fps's, it quite a lot of trash talkers out. never experienced such bad trashtalk from EVERY game I played on MW2 (on 360)

Yep, but there is a serious lack of social aspect on the pc version, a few seconds between maps and no votes. could take a few tips from the console version, if only I could use keyboard mouse on a 360
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