COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Looking at buying this but don't know if my PC will be up to it.

I have a AMD Quad 2.2Ghz, 8GB DDR2 and ATI 5700 1GB

Works well for my photo editing, but not sure if it will do for playing this?
If someone is using a blatant aimbot then it is rather easy to know in-game. I agree though that a lot of times people will think someone is cheating when they aren't.

i didn't come here to cry cheat cos i got beaten, i said it cos it was a fact that i saw 4 different people, 2 of which admitted it then when on opposite sides proceeded to clear out the server.

no im not a bitter twisted loser, no as the other guy said, they died too frequently from behind, they had no skill, just the amazing ability to track through walls at decent ranges, consistently wallshoot.

I too frequently get accused of cheating. Getting a 9 kill streak instantly makes you a cheater/camper/hacker in blops. I pulled 5 games in a row with 40+ kills and had 12 people accusing me, fact is they were all crap, and i was playing well.

we have all played FPS for years, me personally for 14 , i think we can tell the difference between talented players and average players with assistance.
So i dont claim to be an authority on spotting cheats but i have a strong gut feeling with players that seem to good to be true.

ps this isn't a direct reply to you DD just quoted you.
... but I didn't mean to appear to disrespect anyone's ability to spot a cheater, should have mentioned that already. Suppose I get sick of the hackusations too when I get this and this often. Even one guy questioning it onscreen :\ I'm clean, static IP for 5 years and one GUID for each game only, nowhere for this Geordie to hide :D

Maybe I don't see it on our servers because there is usually somebody on with our tags on? I do read that clan servers are less likely to have haxors on. I wouldn't mind a heads up though, here's my Steam ID, I'd be happy to review folks Theatre and pre-ban folk based on good intel :)
still waiting for the mega patch, too little too late tho i think for those effected by poor performance.

hackusations, lol i love that :P
lots of people get hackusations :D dont mind them and yes it can be boring saying hack nab this and that .

anyway wheres everyone playing this :D
On another subject, are everyone elses servers crashing all the time? Mine were fine up until Thursday, now, as soon as either are full (have one in London and one in NY), they crash without fail.

Raised a ticket with GS, I just keep getting fobbed off with the corporate excuse they bandy around to everyone. Is it perhaps that they are over-subscribed as I note that not everyone's servers have been rolled out yet, still some clans waiting for theirs on back-order.
[HaX] clan server is constantly crashing, can't even finish a game without crashing.

It's taking the **** now tbh.
In the last few days I've been on several different servers which have disconnected everyone, yeah. It has happened at least half a dozen times to me and it is very annoying to say the least.
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