COD4 MP Live arranging thread

I ******* hate getting put with a team of muppets, juust had a game of domination and everyone just sat at A :mad:

Anyone up for a game before i get another suspension from live?
I'll be on in a bit, been in London all weekend so not played. Although I did buy GoW with some vouchers so i'll play some of that too
Some fun games but none of you talk. There isn't the banter that you get with the Halo 3 lot, and that coupled with the crap matchmaking making us win every game makes it a bit dull.

I want close, exciting games and banter!
You might be better playing with a few randoms then as when we get a few of us together we rarely lose a game.

Get 12 of us on, split into 6's and balance the teams.

Do you lot honestly enjoy never having a challenge on CoD4? I honestly think the average skill level, from what I've seen so far, of the CoD4 community is terrible compared to the halo 3 community. I still regularly get my ass handed to me in halo but I'm easily getting silly kill/death ratios in our CoD4 games and I've hardly played it.
I would hardly call it silly, you get about 11 kills and 4 deaths :p where as i get 50 kills and about 10 deaths and Wyrdo/Wiiija/Faded aren't to far behind. Tbh i enjoy the game whether i'm playing against a easy team or not and find it a lot more enjoyable than Halo 3.

Play with some randoms and see how it is then, not everyone is an easy kill....also in our games we had earlier we was playing against the same people most of the time unlike halo which is different people every game iirc.
Sound like i might stand a chance on COD4 then :p , i hadnt played any shooters on 360 until GRAW2 and was getting hammered when i first started playing that on live but the more i went on it the better i got ( not great but better :D ) cant wait to buy this but i have no money until payday on friday ( spent up over xmas ) hey guys is the Ltd edition worth getting ?? seen it for 35 notes .
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