COD4 MP Live arranging thread

Live is having trouble, just gonna do some PGR4 till it starts working again, need to get ahead of you Anderson in the leaderboard :P

COD4 is easy at the mo, loads of n00bs who have just got the game for christmas.
Just got level 32 today, it hasnt took that long at all :) I am still finding it really hard aiming with the controller, how long did it take you lot? Obviously for people like Soulja its second nature :p
Its takes a while, I still have games where my aim is miles off, its just one of those things, only being a casual gamer these days I dont really let it bother me, I still have great fun.

Now years ago when I lived and breathed Q3 I had the time to get real good but was always super annoyed if I lost, glad its not like that anymore, I have much more fun playing on the 360 :)
This morning and afternoon was brilliant, tonight has been the worse night of all for me.

Within 3 hours, I've had 2 games!!
yeah thanks for the games

apologies for lack of mic. the 360 is in the bedroom and the misses was asleep being ill...

im still pretty poor compared to you lot, but iof you ever need an extra bod. invite us in :)

Roolz btw ;)
Swines, I wondered wtf was going on.
Heheh, that was funny... to be fair we did all switch to pistols to give you a chance - you should have won tbqfh :p
We ended up spending most of the time just killing each other though :D
Yeah, and I kept getting punished!! You'd team kill me, then walk on my martyr grenade just to get me punished too!! :p
O you were roolz!! I wondered who it was.
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