COD4 MP Live arranging thread

Sorry fellas, just gave up in the end. Put COD4 in the xbox to play it and really CBA to go through the hassle of the lobby closing all the time.

Weird thing is, I had 4 or 5 Free-for-all games with total randoms and with zero problems/lag etc. Worked brilliant!
Sorry fellas, just gave up in the end. Put COD4 in the xbox to play it and really CBA to go through the hassle of the lobby closing all the time.

Weird thing is, I had 4 or 5 Free-for-all games with total randoms and with zero problems/lag etc. Worked brilliant!

I think most of us gave up mate, I can't believe this has been going on for a week now! :(
Sorry fellas, just gave up in the end. Put COD4 in the xbox to play it and really CBA to go through the hassle of the lobby closing all the time.

Weird thing is, I had 4 or 5 Free-for-all games with total randoms and with zero problems/lag etc. Worked brilliant!

Same, couldn't be bothered with the hassle.
After we all gave up I had a few matches against randoms and it worked fine. Not working even for that now. Totally dead.

I must admit, I am getting more and more irate about it. It's pathetic they haven't sorted it yet.

Also getting damn annoyed with the pathetic comments by Major Nelson. Getting better!? Playing with his Mac book and going to meetings? FFS fix the God damned Xbox Live. He keeps posting as if there are only a few minor problems. It's damn well shagged mate!! :mad:

/rant ;)
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thought i was the only one with problems there :(

every invite killed my COD4.... if it didnt, then i could never join

has it always been this unstable?
I've never known any problems with Live up until Xmas just gone mehuk. It's been worth every single penny in my opinion. It still is now, when you break it down into monthly or weekly segments it's an absolute bargain BUT multiply the little bargains by the number of users and Microsoft are getting a bloody MASSIVE amount of money every week and that doesn't warrant this balls up at the moment.

I've every confidence it'll be fixed soon, but disappointed it hasn't been fixed sooner.
getting a bit frustrated with some parts of the SP on Veteran so am more than happy for anyone to invite me into a game they are having.

I spent about 20 minutes losing my MP virginity to a load of much higher ranked players last night, i got raped!
I will be on tonight from about 8pm ish... providing I can even get online with Live at that time.

Anyone interested just give me a shout or invite me to a party.

id:- Wi99is
I'm on a lot of nights recently on this, addicted to the MP game now! I'm only relatively new and still only level 15 so could really use some tips! I'm working through the challenges at the moment to try getting my XP score up - I'm guessing this is one of the best ways to do it?

If anyone wants to add me feel free, my gamertag is SgtUtinni.
if we can get a party of 12 going then we could completely take over a ranked match of Domination. Which would be cool
As far as I know you can't play ranked matches with anything over 9 in a party. Over six players only allows Ground War. Over 9 only allows Private Matches.

Live sorted itself out last night. I decided to go for the Free For All challenges. Cue ten wins in a row :D

Also had a fantastic domination round on Shipment - a near Soulja (near ;)) score of 122 kills with only 27 deaths :D
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