COD4 MP Live arranging thread

Got into your game and got swiftly booted because xbox live went **** up. Shame...

Been trying to get on a game for ages, bought this game again and now cant even play it now! I have the PS3 version on rent and that cant find any games either! Grrrr....

This is crap, been playing fine, then as soon as it hits 8 o'clock it's impossible to connect to a game. :mad:

I give up for tonight, gonna watch The Unit instead. Would have liked to have gotten a few games in with you guys, only just got the game.
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Free-for-all seems to be the only mode working in COD4 at the minute, everything else I was either getting booted off the server or it just simply wouldn't find any.
Thank god I checked this thread, I was all set to smash my wireless 360 adaptor to pieces.

played this for the first time online today, damn its hard when everyone else is ranked so much higher.

ill stick with it though, if live ever lets me connect.
How bad were some of the campers last night!

That game on 'Crossfire' when the whole team sat in one building with their snipers was hilarious. :D

I'll be around for some games tonight if anyone is about.
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